Chapter 7: Arguments

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Emily's POV
You finish the first stack of paperwork and bring it to Hotch's office. You offer for him to join you both but he is swamped right now. You check the time and it is 1 so you decide to go on your lunch break. You walk to the conference room and see Amy reading something. You feel bad for snapping at her. You knock on the door and open it slowly as you lean on the door frame.

"Hey Ames, I'm thinking of grabbing Subway if you wanna join, your dad is leaving in an hour for his conference so it will be just the two of us?" "Sounds good" she says as she puts her stuff in her backpack. "I was wondering if it's okay if Garcia and JJ come over tonight and hang out. We could watch a movie or something if you wanna join us. Your dad is leaving if you want to say bye to him?" She just nods her head and says it sounds good. "I'm just gonna grab my purse and we can meet at the car" you say.

Amelia's POV
As mom leaves, you root through your bag and find the vape that Chloe got you for your birthday this year. It was watermelon flavored your fav as you stuffed it in your sports bra so your mom couldn't see. You look around and try to see if you are seen through the security camera. You quickly headed into dad's office and gave him a hug goodbye.

It was a little awkward because he didn't find out what happened Friday night nor did he want to know. You walked down to the car and put on your seatbelt as mom was pulling up the location on the GPS. It was only a 5 minute car ride but you knew that it was going to be the longest 5 minute drive of your life. "So," mom says "What subjects have you been working on'' she asks "um math and history" you respond "Do you have any more work to do?" she asks to which you respond "not really" she pulls up to the subway and says "why don't you find somewhere to sit. The weather looks warm if you wanna sit outside. What do you want?" she asks. You said "sure" and asked if you could have a six inch ham and american cheese on an italian roll and diet coke. she says "of course" and walks into the store. You sit down and find a clean table to sit at. You noticed that the line was long and you couldn't see anyone around so you took your vape out of your bra and took a puff. Man did that feel good you thought. You quickly grabbed a stick of Gum and started chewing while waiting for your mom.

After about 5 minutes of chewing on your gum, she finally came out with two italian subs and two diet cokes. She gave you your food and you responded "Thanks" We ate in silence. It wasn't awkward though. It was nice and peaceful. You finished your food and so did mom shortly after. We jumped into the car and she started talking to break the silence. "It looks like I'm going to be a few more hours but Garcia offered that you could take a nap on the couch since I know you are tired. " You just nodded as you started to feel your eyes drop. Damn how did she know that you were tired? I thought to myself. "I'll just text Garcia and let her know that you will gladly accept her offer." she says. God why does she have to profile me all the time you thought.

Once we rolled into the parking lot and walked up, you saw Garcia coming out and she gave you a big hug "Oh my mini prentiss how I have missed you so much!" you melted into her warm embrace. "I'm done with my work so my office is quiet and the couch is all set up for you." "Thank you! '' you say. "So Em, I was thinking about coming over at 5? Does that sound good?" she asked. "Perfect" she responds. You are secretly so happy that people are coming over. Even though you know they are probably gonna talk about you, it's better that someone is distracting your mom so you don't have to talk about your appointment tomorrow because god is that gonna be awkward. You walked into Garcia's office and took off your shoes before jumping onto the couch which had turned into a pull-out bed. "I'll wake you up once I'm done with my paperwork and then we can go home" your hear as you looked up and noticed that she was over by the doorway. "Sounds good" you say as you rest your eyes and pass out.

Emily's POV
You walk back to your desk and start your paperwork again. God this is so boring you thought. Then you hear a ping coming from your phone.

JJ: I think I'm going to be done at 5. Will took the boys to see their grandparents so I'm free all night.
Em: Perfect, You guys wanna stay over and have a girls night. This weekend has been so stressful and I just need to relax,
JJ: I'm in
Pen:I'm in too!!!!
Em:How does Pizza sound?
JJ: Yes!
Pen: Omg yes!!

You had just finished your last file and brought them into Hotch's empty office. Oh do you miss him so much right now. You go into Garcia's layer and see that Amy was still passed out. She is so cute when she's asleep. You shook her gently and told her that it was time to go. She sat and rubbed her eyes as she nodded her head. "I can grab your bag if you would like."

Suddenly her eyes shot up in panic "no mom it's okay, I can grab my bag and you can grab the rest of your stuff and we can meet in the car." she says. She looked really anxious and you knew she was hiding something. You played it off like you didn't seem skeptical. "Okay baby, just let me know if you need any help." you responded back as calm as possible.

Amelia's POV
God I wish she would stop calling me baby. I'm not a baby anymore. You grabbed your bag and quickly turned on your phone to text Chloe.

Amy: Hey Chlo, my mom is starting to get suspicious. Can I give you my bag full of anything my mom doesn't approve of? I'm afraid she's gonna go through my room while I'm at school tomorrow.
Chloe: Of course. I can meet you outside of your house tonight at like 11 and you can give me the bag.
Amy: Thank you so much, you are the best

You shut off your phone and quickly head to the car where your mom was waiting. The whole car ride your mom was talking. You tried to pay attention but your mind was elsewhere as you could only focus on anything suspicious your mom could find in your room.

"Hey so I'm gonna take a shower. Garcia and JJ should be coming over in 30 minutes. How does pizza sound? "Fine" you say as you threw your bag down on the floor of your room and slammed your door shut. You grabbed a garbage bag and grabbed anything that your mom wouldn't approve of. You started in your underwear and bra drawer and threw all of your sexy lingerie away. Then you opened your sock drawer and pulled out all your vapes before throwing it in the bag. You then opened your closet and threw all your short party dresses and any beer bottles or whiteclaw cans away. You finally go to your bedside locker and throw away your pack of condoms in the trash bag. You then stuck the bag in the back of your closet and flung yourself on the bed as you heard the shower turn off and footsteps approaching your room.

"Hey, I just finished taking my shower if you wanna hop in before the girls get her." She had a towel wrapped around her body. One hand holding up her towel and the next holding onto the handle. She seemed calm. "I also want you to keep your door open so I can see what you are doing." she says as her mood changes a little more mad and worried about my response.

"Are you fucking serious?? First you take away my social life, now you are taking away the only privacy that I have." "Amelia Adrianna Hotchner you lost the right to privacy after you snuck out and did very illegal things.'' She seems really mad but you didn't care. "Mom, everyone does it, it's no big deal." "So if everyone jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" "If everyone does it then it's probably fun" you mumbled back.

"What is with this attitude Amelia. This is not the type of behavior that I raised you to have" "Well you barely raised me seeing as though you are always away for work" you hissed back. You could tell that you hit a nerve as you said it. Just as she was going to respond, the doorbell rang. "You should probably get that, you don't want to be a terrible host seeing that you are already a terrible mother." You could see the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm gonna take a shower now" you said as you pushed your way past her to the bathroom also feeling the tears form in your eyes.

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