Chapter 31- packing

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Amelia's POV
You wake up the next morning and just relax all day. All of your tests and work was finished so you didn't have any homework. You went on a long walk with your parents because they wanted to get out of the house. Every time your parents tried to talk about you, you would shift the conversation and talk about Cuba, Christmas or even Jack who at the last minute hopped on a plane and went somewhere in South America for some project.

You were sad that he wasn't going to spend the holidays with you. But he was really happy about whatever this project was about. He tried explaining it to you but you were too high to really comprehend what he was saying. So you just nodded the whole time.

"So, when are we going to pack?" you ask. You were an hour into the walk and bored out of your mind. "We can pack once we get back," your mom says. Your mom never trusts you to pack on your own.

"Im hungry" you whine as you pass a Dunkin Donuts. "If I get you Dunkin, will you stop complaining until we get home?" Dad asks.

"Deal" you say back as you run in and get yourself an iced coffee and donut. Your parents both get themselves a coffee to. "Amy it's December, are you still buying iced drinks?" your dad asks. "Of course, they are even better to drink when it's cold out" you respond back with a big grin. This causes your dad to smile.

You then devour your donut within seconds as your parents laugh. You walked for another 30 minutes while you all slowly sipped your drinks. You were getting bored but knew your dad would get mad if you said anything. By the time you all got back from the walk, you had all finished your coffees. Your parents arms were linked as you slowly trailed behind them. Your legs were aching by the end.

As you got back to the apartment, you ran straight into your room. You laid out a bunch of clothes to pack while your parents were making themselves lunch. Once you were done, you told your mom that you were ready for her to review.

She walks into your room with a suitcase and sits down on the floor with it. You were going for 7 days. "Sandals" she says first as you pass her sandals. "Do you want to bring another pair of shoes to go out in or wear your sandals?" she asks as you hand her two pairs of heels. "I wanna bring these as well" she puts them in the suitcase

"4 pairs of shorts" she says as you pass her 4 pairs. "4 shirts" she says as you pass her 4 crop tops. "4 dinner outfits" she says as you pass her 4 tight dresses.

"8 pairs of underwear" you pass her 8 thongs. She makes a weird face but carries on anyway. "Bras" she says as you pass her 2 push-up ones. "Can you at least pack a regular one?" she asks. "Fine" you say as you pass her a normal one. "Thank you" she says back.

"Bikinis" she says as you give her your bikinis. "Jacket" she says "for dinner time when it's chilly out" as she could read that you were confused. "Oh um" you say as you stand up and walk to your closet. You pull out a denim jacket and give it to her.

"Is there anything else you want to pack?" she asks as you hand her a handbag, tote bag and caps. "Okay" she says as she puts it in.

"We can pack your toiletries and accessories later" she says as she stands up and takes your hand. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" she says with a smile as she pulls you in for a side hug.

You normally would get into arguments about what you packed whenever you went on vacation. "I guess not," you say. "Must've got you while you were in a good mood" you say with a smirk on your face. She gasps pretending like she was hurt and starts laughing. You relaxed the rest of the weekend getting ready for christmas.

You saw that your bag of Oxy was empty that Sunday night. Your high was coming down and you could not handle the withdrawal symptoms.

After your parents went to bed, you snuck into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. You could only find over the counter meds until you discovered a box filled with oxy. Since your parents got injured enough with their jobs, they often would get prescribed pain meds.

Your dad rarely took meds because he knows that Sean struggles with addiction. You grabbed the prescription bottles and placed them hidden in your room. You took one before going to sleep and these ones were much stronger than whatever Tyler was giving you. You took another one before going to school. You felt amazing.

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