Chapter 35-Cuba

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Emily's POV
You wake up the following morning to the alarm going off. You roll over to see Aaron in his towel. You jump out of bed and hop in the shower and start getting dressed before waking up Amy. "Hey Ames, hurry up and get ready. We leave in an hour but I want to help pack your toiletries." you say as she jumps in the shower. After 20 minutes, Amy comes back all dressed. You pack her toiletries bag before putting it in her suitcase and zipping it up. You then quickly pack your toiletry bag before taking a taxi to the airport. Aaron goes to check in your bags. Once you checked in, you went through security and then grabbed Dunkin at the airport for breakfast while waiting for your flight.

Amelia's POV
Last time we went on the plane for a family vacation, your dad was in a really bad mood. There was a baby crying and a kid kicking his seat behind him. That was also a 2 hour and 30 minute flight while this flight is 15 minutes longer. As he is used to a private jet, he hates going back to the regular economy and he isn't afraid to complain about it every two seconds.

Your dad looked stressed while your mom was busy calming him down to realise that you were acting weird. You felt really sick like your high was coming down again. You didn't realize that you need oxy in order to survive but now you can't live without it. Right before they called boarding for your flight, you all went to the bathroom.

You quickly go to the stall and take a single pill that you packed. You had no idea how you got it through security but you took it before exiting the stall as you see your mom washing her hands. You wash your hands too and meet your dad before boarding the plane.

You wanted the window seat so you sat next to your mom who was in the middle and your dad who was on the aisle seat. You watched some cartoons on the flight as you feel your high coming.

Emily's POV
Amy was acting really weird on the flight. She was watching some cartoon show and looked out of it. Is she high? No, that's not even possible. You tap Aaron and gave him a concerned look as you shift your focus on Amy.

"Hey baby, you okay?" you ask as she nods her head. You couldn't shake off the feeling that something was up with her but you couldn't do anything about it. You tried to focus your attention back on your phone but you just kept looking over at her every 5 seconds until she turns away from you.

You land and grab your suitcases as Aaron calls a cab. While Aaron was grabbing your suitcases, you pulled her aside. "Are you sure you are okay? You seem out of it" she looks at you and responds  frustrated "mom I swear I'm fine".

You pull her in and kiss her head. "I just worry about you, you know" Aaron walks over with all the suitcases and you all walk out and get in the taxi. The drive was 20 minutes long when we arrived at the hotel.

Amelia's POV
The hotel was so big and your room was amazing as you had a view of the beach. You quickly dropped your stuff down before quickly changing into your bikini. You only had one room with two double beds so your dad changed in the bathroom while you changed out in the hotel room. You quickly put on your bikini and flip flops as well as a pair of shorts and t-shirt over it before your dad exits the bathroom.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks as you both say yes. You walk down to the beach and relax for an hour before heading back to the hotel. You all shower and get ready before going out for dinner.

You walked into a bar/restaurant for dinner and saw that the sign said no drinking under 12. Your parents ordered what they wanted to drink. Your mom got red wine while your dad got beer. The waiter asks you what you wanted. "I'll have the Bloody Mary and don't hold back on the vodka" you say as you hand him your school ID. He accepts it and your parents look at you shocked.

"Amelia, what do you think you are doing?" your mom whispers angrily. The waiter comes back with your drinks. "Did you know there is no legal drinking age in Cuba." you say as you take a big gulp of your drink. Your parents stare at each other shocked as you pick up the menu. "I think I'll get a cheeseburger with a side of fries" you say as you take another gulp of your drink.

The waiter comes back as you order a cheeseburger with fries while your parents order sloppy joes. By the time your food came, you got another drink. After you finished your meal, you were walking to the bathroom but got called over to have drinks with some men. You happily accepted as they ordered you some fruity drink.

Emily's POV
As Amy got up to leave you slapped Aaron. "Did you not check the drinking age before booking the flights." you say. "Ow" he says as he rubs his arm. "How was I supposed to know?" he says, mad. "Let's just get the bill and go" you say angrily. The waiter comes and Aaron pays the bill.

"I'll grab Amy and we can walk back" you say as you make your way to the restroom to find Amy over at the bar being treated to free drinks by 50 year old males. You grab her arm and pull her away. She isn't able to walk without stumbling over as she has had way too much to drink. You make it outside of the restaurant before Aaron picks her up and carries her back to the hotel.

It was only a 15 minute walk. Amy instantly passed out in his arms and woke up as soon as you got into the hotel room. Aaron takes a shower as Amy gets into her pajamas. Aaron walks out in his pajamas and you get into your own. You then hop into bed with Aaron and pass out instantly.

You woke up at 9 am with the room being empty. You get into your bikini and clothes as you turn on your phone. Aaron texted saying that he has gone with Amy to the store to buy sunscreen and snacks. You started texting JJ and complaining to her about Amy last night when suddenly your mother rang you. You meant to press decline but accidentally pressed accept.

"Hello, Mother" "Hello Emily, I was talking to Kyle and he said that Dylan was quite fond of Amelia and would love to hang out soon." "Well Amelia is still very much grounded so I doubt they will be hanging out anytime soon" Suddenly the door opens. "Look Mother I have to go bye" you say as you quickly hang up.

Aaron and Amy come in with shopping bags. "Can we go to the beach now?" she pleads. She looks completely fine as if she hadn't been drinking last night. You knew that she must be a heavyweight and she has definitely drank alcohol plenty of times if she is able to drink that much and still be that happy the next morning.

"Okay but first breakfast" you say as you grab the tote bag and put the new sunscreen and a few snacks in. "The hotel is serving breakfast now" Aaron says as you all go downstairs.

Everyday you would eat breakfast at the hotel, spend all day at the beach, and finally go out to dinner at a restaurant. You loved the beach as you would read your book in the sand while Amy tanned and Aaron fell asleep or would read as well under an umbrella. Sometimes when it was too hot, you went into the sea which was very calm and peaceful.

Turns out when Aaron and Amy went to the store, Amy bought tanning oil as well as sunscreen and ended up getting burnt on the first day. You applied sunscreen every hour and pestered Amy to apply it as well. At the end of vacation, Amy was burnt while you and Aaron were tan.

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