Chapter 59: Paying for pills

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It was finally game day!-well a scrimmage, but the first scrimmage of the season. You got your uniforms yesterday and you had been practicing this morning. You had an away game at 5 so you had to get there at 3. You started getting ready while your parents were at work. You texted your mom and let her know that you were leaving before you went to the game.

Tyler picked you up and drove you to the school where you all hopped on the bus. You arrived and started warming up for the game. You started cheering and you hit all your routines perfect. Your team destroyed the other team and all of the stunts were perfect as your coach was very happy.

You come home after the game with the team. You got a ride home from Tyler after the cheer team and the footballs team had their post game team dinner at the local diner. You get dropped off and see that both of your parents cars were there. You didn't really think much of it as you thank Tyler for the ride before going inside. You open the door and see both your parents sitting at the dining room table. They both looked mad and you were a little nervous. You hadn't done anything wrong. Well you did have the last cookie and left the box there but that's it.

"Amelia, where were you?" your dad asks as you place your cheer bag down by the front door. "It was game day, so we went out for dinner after like always" you said confused. They were sitting down at the table both very stressed. You just assumed that they had a very stressful day at the office as you start to walk to your dad.

"I'm sorry dad, I should've texted you but my phone died. Next time I'll text you on my friends phone. I'm sorry for worrying you." You say as you give him a side hug. This normally made him feel better. "Thanks princess" he says. You could still sense the tension as your mom wouldn't even look at you. She was looking at her nails which were all chewed up. "I'm going to go and take a shower" you start by saying before your dad grabs your wrist gently.

"Sit down please" he asks almost pleading. You sit down as your dad looks at you. "Your grandmother called" he says as you could see that your mom was still lost, deep in thought.

"Apparently Dylan has been caught selling drugs in school." He says as you were shocked. "Word travelled around fast, he got expelled but his parents donated a new library and now he's only suspended" your dad continues.

"Dylan's father, Kyle, has been spreading a rumour around that you forced him to start selling drugs" he says "What?? Dad that's not true I swear" you protest.

"I know princess, your grandmother shut down that rumour and it has been proven to be false. But apparently he sold you drugs and in return you had sex with him" he says sounding very disappointed. You gulp as your mother finally makes eye contact with you for the first time tonight.

"You sold your body for drugs?" You didn't reply as you look down at your hands. "Oh my god, it is true" your mom continues as she stands up and walks into her room. "Emily" your dad says as he follows her.

You sat there shocked for a minute before walking to your room and slowly slipped out of your cheer uniform. You threw it in your washing basket before taking your hair out and hopping into the shower. You showered and took off all your makeup before you sat down on the couch and watched some tv.

After everything that went on today, you just couldn't go to sleep so you decided to watch tv. You could hear your parents bedroom door open and close but you kept your eyes glued on the tv. You then saw your dad take the remote and turn off the tv.

"Hey I was watching that" you whine as he gives you a stern look. "Your mother had something she wants to tell you" he says as he sits next to you while your mom sits next to you but angles her body so it was facing you.

"Your father and I have thought long and hard about this decision and I've decided that I'm switching fields" she says. "Mom what?" You ask shocked. "I'm switching fields and working a desk job so I can be home more" she says. "Mom stop being dramatic. Just stay in the BAU" she look says as your dad just hits there quietly.

"I'm getting old, I'm not as good as I was in the field anymore, my compartmentalising skills are getting worse as I can't stop worrying about you when on cases, I'm always distracted and I'm ready for a sharper agent to take my place" she says as you look shocked, feeling a tear fall down your face.

"Now I can go to your games and watch you cheer or be a normal parent and worry about when you come home a minute after curfew." she says with a smile as she takes your hand. "But mom, you don't have to give up your dream job for me" you say. She wipes your tears. "Baby, being your mom is my dream job and if I'm being honest here, I was so much happier when I got to stay home with you instead of going on cases with your father" she says with a bigger smile.

"I already put in a transfer and your dad just has to sign it" she says as you look at it. "We wanted to talk to you before I sign it" your dad says as you turn to him. "So Amy, what do you think? You okay with seeing me around more often?" she jokes. You lunge in and give her a big hug. "Yes" you say. She kisses the top of your head. "Alright I'll sign the papers now" your dad says as you all smile. "I love you baby" she says as you smile. "I love you too"

Thank you guys for reading my book! I can't believe it's finally finished. I started writing this a little over a year ago and didn't expect anyone to read it. The love you guys gave me really helped improve my confidence. As you know, I have been writing another story. I will be posting that soon-and don't worry, the updates will be more frequent than this book!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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