Chapter 21: Black Friday

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Amy's POV
You wake up at 8:20 to your mom rushing you to get ready "the mall is going to be crazy busy and we are a 10 minute drive away plus traffic we should be leaving the house 15 minutes before and then parking which is 20. So let's aim to leave the house in 20 minutes?" Mom says. "Wear something that you can take off quickly." She says again. "Okay" you said. You threw on sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. You then put on socks and your ugg slippers. You walk out of the house after grabbing a banana and eating it in the car.

"So which stores do you want to go to" she asks. "American Eagle, Pacsun, Victoria Secret, lululemon, Hollister" "sounds good" she says as you walk into American Eagle first. You bought three pairs of jeans, all ripped mom jeans before heading to pacsun and getting some crop tops and skirts. You then went to Hollister and bought some matching sets. In Lululemon, you bought two pairs of leggings while your mom bought a pair as well. You then walk into Victoria secret. "Hey do you wanna get measured, so we can see what size you are now?" mom asks. "Sure" you say. You walk up to a salesperson and then measure you. "32C" she says. "Thanks" you say. You walk around the store and pick up some bras. You could see that your mom was shopping for herself too. She went to the sexy lingerie area while you looked a t-shirt bras and maybe even a push-up bra. Once your mom came back up to meet you, she had three see through set and 5 see through night dresses. Gross. You payed and then threw your stuff in the trunk before going back in the mall and grabbing food.

You got coffee and a pastry while your mom just got coffee. You then went shoe shopping for your mom but ended up finding shoes for yourself in the store. You bought yourself a pair of black high top converse while your mom got a pair of black boots. You finally went makeup shopping where you bought new foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil, mascara and highlighter while your mom got new foundation and lip liner. Once you paid, you hopped in the car.

"Your father doesn't need to know how much we spent or he'll freak" she says as she starts driving home. You unlock the front door and race into your bedroom while your dad catches your mom with some of her own bags. "So I see you did some shopping of your own" "I think you will like some of my purchases" she says back to him "oh really?" he asks not sounding mad anymore. "Really" she says back to him as she gets the Victoria secret bag out.

You hear her open up the bag and they then go off into their room. So gross. You then start to put your clothes away. You go sit down on the couch and check your texts. There Chloe had been spamming you about that party that you went to. She then FaceTimed you and you tell her everything. You then gave her a haul of all the clothes that you bought. "So your mom is not mad about the vaping thing at all then?" "Well she is but Jack is back and with everything that is going on, I think she just wants me back to the old me before she knew about my party side." you say.

Suddenly you hear the wall being knocked on. You turn around and see it's Jack. "Hey" he says. "I have to go Chlo" you say as you hang up the phone. "Hey" you said. "Sorry I was being an asshole" he said. "Sorry I was being a whore" you said back as he laughs. "Where's mom and dad?" he asks. "Mom went into Victoria Secret with me today and bought herself a few items. So I guess she and dad are trying them out. But they have been gone for a while now" Jack looks weirded out. "So what did you buy today?" He asks trying to change the subject. You show him what you got except for Victoria Secret cause that would be weird. Your parents suddenly walk out of their bedrooms really happy. "We have a surprise for you guys" mom says all giddy. You and Jack just looked at eachother confused.

"We just booked a trip to the Cuba for winter break. We leave on the 26th!" "Oh my god" you say as you jump up and give your mom a hug and then give your dad a hug. "I need a new bikini" you say as your mom says "me too" your mom gives you a look before darting her eyes back at the door. "Well, Amy do you wanna go for a walk? She says as she grabs her purse. "Yes, I would love to" you say back as you grab your shoes. "Perfect, let's go" she says as you hurry out and go into the car.

"I saw Victoria Secret still had some really cute bikinis" your mom says as she starts driving to the mall again. "and Pacsun" you add. You walk into Victoria secret and your mom finds a red triangle bikini top and matching bottoms. While you find a blue bikini and black bottoms. You pay and then go to Pacsun where you find a purple bikini. You then go back home and sneak into the house. Your mom distracted your dad while you snuck in with the bags. You then come out of your room and sit on the couch. Your dad was watching golf on the tv while your mom snuggled up next to him. You go to the kitchen and hear your dads phone ring. He hung up and started getting angry. "You spent $1500 shopping today?" your dad says as he yells at your mom. "Everything was on sale!" "Emily, you have a shopping problem" "oh ye and what are you gonna do about it" she says with a smirk. He leans in and whispers in her ear. He grabs her hand as they run into the bedroom. So gross. You open the fridge and find some thanksgiving leftovers and take the container in your hand.

Jack must've gone out with high school friends. You check your phone and see that Brad posted a pic with some girl named Ramona. You sigh as you open snap and start snapping random boys. You then get some white claw from the fridge and a fork from the drawer before going to your room. You eat dinner and then go to sleep.

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