Chapter 35.5: Piercings

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Amy's POV
You go over to Chloe's house for a sleepover. Her parents were out of town which your parents weren't aware of. This was your first sleepover in months.

"Omg, I can't believe your parents said yes" Chloe says shocked. "I know, I told my mom it was for a project for school and begged her. Once she was on board, my dad didn't care." You say with a smile. "Do they know that my parents are out of town?" she asks as you smile. "Well of course not" she gasps "wow Amelia Hotchner is really quite a rebel" you both start giggling as Chloe opens the fridge.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood to get crossed." "Ooh god yes, I haven't had alcohol in forever cause my parents are crazy" you say as Chloe giggles. "Um didn't you have some like two weeks ago?" she asks. "Yes in Cuba which my mom was furious but again two weeks is forever ago" you say as she pulls out two cans. "Which do you want we have Smirnoff strawberry lemon or screw driver?" she asks. "Mmh I'll start with the screw driver" you say as you giggle. "Okay, let's go to my room, just in case my mom gets someone to check on us." She says as she rolls her eyes. "At least your parents don't force one of their co workers to babysit you while they are away" you say as she laughs. "True cause that is so lame" she says as she cackles. "Oh fuck you" you say before following Chloe to her bedroom. You make it to her room and open her drawer before grabbing out her box. "Do you have any oxy?" You ask as she nods her head no. "Just weed sorry" she says as you go to your bag. "It's fine, I brought my stash" you say as she smiles.

You grab a book and smash the pills before lining it up and snorting it. You then open the can and take a big gulp. Chloe takes a pill and snorts it before taking a sip of her drink. You both sat there as you slowly began to feel the drug take effect on your body.While you were waiting you kept drinking your can until you eventually finish.

You were both officially crossed when Chloe stands up. "I'm bored, what should we do now" she asks. "I don't know what should we do?" you ask back. "We could bake" she says. "Omg you should pierce my belly button" you say as she looks at you. "Okay!" "and then we can bake afterwards or something" you reply. "Nah I'm lazy, do you wanna go to the store and get food and a bellybutton ring?" "Okay" you happily say. "There's a Walmart not to far from here, we could walk" she says as you stand up and grab your shoes.

You both walk outside and walk to the Walmart. It was a nice long walk where you guys were just chatting. You eventually make it in and grab a shopping cart. You go around the store getting chips and energy drinks before you find a piercing kit. Chloe purchases as you walk back to her house. You get inside and take another pill before swishing it down with vodka and some monster. Chloe sets up the piercing kit and pierces it. It goes through and you take some more alcohol before you both continued to talk about your sex lives and drama.

You don't remember what time you went to bed at but you woke up the next morning in pain. You look down at your stomach and see that there was a piercing there. You realised that you didn't dream that and it was real. You started panicking a bit about your parents finding out.

You get changed out of your pyjamas into your clothes for the day and throw on a big hoodie. You got to Chloe's bathroom and brush your teeth before taking a swig of mouth wash. You get some rubbing alcohol and clean it thoroughly. You then grab some chips and start eating them as Chloe begins to wake up. You look at your phone and see that your mom was going to pick you up in 30m. You threw out all of your cans and cleaned the pills up. You saw there was some oxy left on the drawers. You line it up and take a hit before you felt your high kick in. You go to the bathroom and throw on some concealer to get rid of the bags under your eyes and to give your face some colour.

You get a text from your mom that she was outside, you give Chloe a big goodbye hug. She goes back to sleep as you let her out.

Emily's POV
You see Amy walk out of Chloe's house with a smile on her face. She walks to the car and opens up the door before hopping in. "Hey baby, how was Chloe's?" you ask as she smiles. "Good we finished our project and are ready to present on Monday" she says as you smile. "That's good" you say as she looks out the window. "You hungry?" you ask as she turns and looks at you. "Yes, starving" she says as you chuckle. "What do you want?" you ask as she looks at you. "Mmh, I'm thinking pancakes" she says as you chuckle. "Well then, pancakes it is". You drive to the local diner before you pull in. "Thank you" she says with the biggest smile. "Of course baby" you say as you walk in and get seated right away. It was empty for the most part. You order avocado toast while Amy goes for a large stack of pancakes. You take a picture for Aaron before sending it as she digs right in. You were asking about her night and she kept talking about how the Great Gatsby movie was very different to the book. She was going on a rant and compared all of the movies to each other. You were just happy because it was clear that she must've read the book to be so pissed off about the movies portrayal.

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