Chapter 19: Thanksgiving

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Amy's POV
Your friends were throwing a thanksgiving party and you got ready for that. You knew that your mom was going to avoid you tonight. So you slipped on a bodysuit and some ripped skinny jeans since it was cold. You put on black eyeliner and curled your hair. You put on your golden goose sneakers and stuffed your pillows under the mattress so it looked like you were asleep. You grabbed a latex free condom and threw it in your pocket before climbing down the fire escape.

The house was 5 minutes away and when you got there, you saw Brad making out with some girl. You were heartbroken so you took a shot. You then walk to the center of the dance floor and danced your little heart out. A random senior on the lacrosse team comes up to you and starts grinding you as you dance. You inch closer to him and dance as your hips sway and hits his bulge. You see Brad out of the corner of your eye watching you and you turn around and start full on making out with him. You knew Brad hated him but you wanted to get back at him for moving on so fast. He picks you up and takes you to his car. There you had sex. His dick was not as big as Brads but it was still very good. He quickly took off your clothes and slipped it in. There wasn't any foreplay but you were kind of in a time crunch so you did a quickie and was done within 5 minutes. You quickly got dressed again and took 2 shots before walking home again.

You climbed back in the fire escape and saw that your window was locked. You panic and quickly ring Jack. "Amy, why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?" he says mad. "I'm locked outside. Can you please unlock my window so I can crawl back in." He sighs angrily and hangs up. You hear him tiptoe into your bedroom and he opens the window. "Thank you so much" you say as you climb back inside. "You owe me one." he says back before closing your door and walking back to his own room. You get into your pajamas and quickly take off your makeup. You go to sleep immediately and wake up to your mom shaking you awake.

"Amy time for our family walk" she says. You turn over and pull the blanket over your head. "Go away" you shout before she pulls the blanket off. There you could see a big pool of blood on your shorts and bedsheets. You winced in pain and quickly run to the bathroom. Your mom throws your sheets in the washing machine before putting new ones on. You think one of your stitches had ripped open. You took a shower and took some painkillers before going back to your room. You saw the sheets had been changed and quickly put on a pad and some clothes before spraying your shorts with shout and leaving them outside the washing machine. You grabbed a banana and ate it before your mom was ready.

Your dad and Jack competed in the Turkey trot early this morning while you and your mom slept in. You turn on your phone and there was a video of you kissing some senior last night. You never learned his name. Rumors went around that he was 19 and he repeated his senior year at a private school nearby after flunking out of your high school. You then look up what to do when you rip stitches. The internet told you that it would be okay if the bleeding stopped. Your Instagram then started to blow up. You posted a photo last night and everyone was commenting. You started going through the comments and people tagged a guy named James. You opened his insta and scroll through it. In one of his posts you saw a pic of him with Jack. Shit you said. You must've taken a pic him last night cause he posted it on his story. He titled the caption "Ayo, find me her @ 🍆🦪👉👌💯" god you can't believe you slept with him. You switched off your phone as your mom walks out. "Ready to go?" "fine" you said. She took your hand and you walked all around DC. You then passed a group of teens who were at the party last night. They started pointing and whispering about you. "do you know them?" mom asks. "Not really" you say back trying to avoid a conversation.

Emily's POV
After about two hours, you finally came back home. Aaron and Jack were sitting on the couch watching the Macy's Parade. You go back into the laundry room and wash Amy's shorts as you throws her sheets in the dryer. Amy joins them and they all sit on the couch together. You sit down next to them once you're done. As the parade finishes you start making dinner while Aaron goes back to your room. Jack pulls out his phone and Amy looks nervous as he is on it. After about 10 minutes you start to hear Jack shouting at Amy. You walk over to them.

"Did you really sleep with James last night? You whore. He's 19. He's an adult. If he found out that you were 16." Amy starts yelling back "well how was I supposed to know he was 19" "so you actually slept with him" "I'm sorry that I actually get laid" "ye cause you will let anyone with a penis have sex with you." "it's not like I'm going to see him again" she says back.

Aaron suddenly comes out of your room "What's all the yelling about" he says "do you want to tell him?" Jack says. Amy doesn't say anything and keeps quiet as she starts to pick at her nails. "Amelia snuck out and slept with one of my friends at a party last night who by the way is 19. Now it's all over social media about how she is a 10/10 and easy to score." You just stood there shocked. "Amelia" Aaron says. She just starts sobbing as she runs to her room. You run after her while Aaron deals with Jack. You just pull her into your arms as she sobs and sobs and sobs. She doesn't stop crying and Aaron comes in. He stays the other side of Amy as she just keeps sobbing. You were too shocked to be mad at her right now.

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