Chapter 3: Aftermath

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Amelia's POV
You woke up the next morning and was confused as to why you weren't in your own bed and were wondering when you got changed. You sat up with the biggest headache as you tried to remember what happened last night. You looked over at your parents' alarm clock and saw that it was 3pm. Great, you thought. You had slept through the whole day. You walked into the kitchen and smelled scrambled eggs and bacon. Dad was making breakfast as mom was sitting on the island talking to him while he cooked. 

As soon as mom turned around, you both made eye contact. The whole night came rushing back into your head as you immediately start sobbing your eyes out. Mom stands up quickly and rushed over to your side and pulls you into a big hug before bringing you to the couch. She puts you on her lap and strokes your hair softly, telling you that it's okay. After you repeatedly tell her how sorry you are.

How did she go from being so mad at you to feeling sorry for you? You wondered. Dad just stood there watching the whole time as he had no idea what to say. He didn't really know what happened last night and he wasn't interested in finding out either. He knew that you snuck out and got drunk. You also think he knows that you got high but not really sure about that one.

After what felt like forever, you both got up and sat by the table as dad put some breakfast on your plate while your mom gave you Advil and a glass of water. You knew that the questions were going to come but the profiler side of your mom knew to ask later and to not ask in front of dad. Although you hated the fact that your parents were profilers, it did have some perks.

Emily's POV
The rest of the day was quiet. You knew that Amy needed to fully sober up and process everything before you could talk about last night. You then decided it was best to wait till dinner and talk about what had just happened. You saw that Aaron's phone was ringing, his facial expression changed, although it was a very slight change, you knew that it must have been work related. You look down at his phone and see Strauss's name popped up.

He quickly accepted before walking out of the kitchen. You knew that it probably wasn't good seeing as she was calling on a Saturday. You could hear the conversation dying down and although you couldn't understand what they were saying, you heard goodbyes. You then walk into the bedroom and talk to Aaron about the phone call.

He sounded stressed and started rambling about going into the office tomorrow. "Hey why don't you go out and hang with Rossi tonight while I get to the bottom of whatever happened last night with Amy" you say as you see him relax. "I love you so much Emily" he says as he softly kisses your lips before pulling away and calling Rossi on the phone.

As you walk back into the kitchen, you see that Amy was no longer at the table. She has probably gone to her room you guess as you walk to her bedroom door and open it. Leaning on the doorframe, you see that she is sitting on her bed doing homework. "Hey" you said "I don't feel like cooking tonight, do you wanna order Chinese and talk about what happened last night?" She looks at me and you can see the tears brimming in her eyes. It broke your heart seeing her like this "you want Chow Mein?" you ask and she replies with a nod.

"Okay, I'll get Dad to order it now and we can talk just the two of us while we wait for our food. Rossi and Dad are going out for guys night so it will just be the two of us. You can finish your homework tomorrow cause we have to go to the office tomorrow and we're taking you with us." You could see that she wasn't happy about it but knew that she wouldn't be able to fight you on this. You go to the kitchen and kiss Aaron goodbye and see Amy plop herself onto the couch. You then walked him out as he finished his call with the Chinese takeout.

You go over to the couch and sit next to Amy. You make eye contact with her before asking "are you ready to talk now?" she just nods her head yes. "I'm going to need to hear verbal answers" you say as she mumbles yes to which you respond louder.

"Sneaking out, sex, drugs, alcohol-what were you thinking?" you ask her coming off harsher than expected. She just responds with "I'm sorry". You don't even know what to say. You look at her as you try to make eye contact. "Look at me and tell me what exactly happened last night." She looks at you for a split second before looking back down and picking at her fingernails. A habit she gets from you which you both do when you are nervous. You take her hand and as she looks at you. You look deeply into her big brown eyes and  say "I promise I won't freak out if you tell me the truth."

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