Chapter 29-All nighters

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Amy's POV
You woke up and checked your clock and saw it was 12. You walk into the kitchen and see your dad watching golf while you hear your mom in the washing room.

You go to the kitchen and make yourself toast and grab a banana before spreading Nutella on the bread. You bring that to your room and start studying. You take a pill to relax because you could feel the stress build up.

You wanted to study chemistry first because you felt as if you needed the most help there. Once you finally understood chem it was 5 o'clock. Did you really just waste 5 hours on chem? You take another pill.

You then read your book for English because you had a big test on it. You were reading Moby-Dick and that book made you die of boredom. You were nearly finished as you only had 50 pages left. You finished taking notes. Since it was an open note test you felt pretty confident and finished taking the rest of your notes before your mom came in and told you to have dinner.

You had a casserole for dinner and ate it quickly as your mom started asking questions about your studying. "How has the studying been going?" She asks. "Good" you lie. You had procrastinated and were cramming in everything last minute.

"Are you nearly done?" "Yep" you said lying. You still had French, math, Business 101 and US History. Once you finished, you ran back into your room and took another pill. You started french and your mom comes into your room. "Baby, do you have much longer?" she asks "no like 10 more minutes" you say lying to her. "Okay don't stay up too late" she says as she walks out.

You were getting tired and bored so you took another pill to stay concentrated. You finish french and move onto math which was very difficult. You watched some YouTube videos and looked over your notes before trying some problems. Once you got them correct, you closed your math textbook and took another pill. You only had two subjects left.

You stopped checking the time. Business 101 was simple but you hadn't done any of the work for the unit yet. You spend hours filling out all the worksheets before putting them in your binder. You then open your US history textbook. You had been dreading US History. You went to the back of your closet and found a can of monster. You took two pills because you were so stressed and started sipping your monster as you started studying. You were so tired that you couldn't remember anything. Your brain was working on overdrive. Once you finished your monster, you threw it away and continued to study.

Your mom then knocks on your wall. She was probably just reminding you to go to sleep, you thought. "Hey Baby, start getting ready for school" she says WHAT you think to yourself. You pulled an all-nighter? You were still really confused about whatever you were learning in us history but you got dressed quickly before making your way to school. You knew you couldn't skip but you were too tired to take the test. US History was at the end of the day so you studied whenever you could before walking in the classroom.

You sat in the back and you walked in 2 seconds before the late bell. "Just made it Miss Hotchner," Mr. Martin, your US History teacher, says. You quickly go to your seat as he starts passing out the tests.

When you started the test, you were feeling pretty confident but really tired. You finish the true and false section and we're on to the multiple choice. You could barely keep your eyes open and then you had to write the essay. You finished your intro paragraph and were in the middle of your first body paragraph when you must've fallen asleep.

You suddenly feel a tap on the shoulder and jolt back awake. "Your test," Mr. Martin says. You look around and see that he had collected some of the tests. "Can I please get some more time?" you ask. "No" he responds "hand me your test now" he says as you give it to him.

The bell rang and you walked out of school. You were just about to sob your eyes out. You hopped into the car and your mom was driving. You hopped into the passenger seat as she started asking about school. "I'm really tired," you say, ignoring her talk about school. "I'll call Garcia now and see if you can sleep in her office." she says as she pulls up Garcia's contact on the screen. "Hey Garcia, Amy says she's really tired. Can she sleep on the couch in your office" your mom asks "of course she can"  Garcia says. "Thank you so much" she says back.

You finally get to the bureau and pass out as soon as you hit cover. You could hear whispering in the background but couldn't wake up. You felt someone pick you up but were too tired to wake up. You were placed in the car and then carried up to your room and placed in bed.

When you woke up, you saw your parents on the couch watching a movie. You take a banana as your mom pats the seat next to her. You sit down and snuggle up next to her. "How do you feel baby?" she asks. "Not great" you say. "You look a little pale, do you feel sick?" she asks as you nod your head yes. She then kisses your head as you relax into her warm embrace for about 10 minutes before a wave of nausea hits. You run to the bathroom and throw up. Your mom follows you in and rubs your chest. "It's okay baby, let it all out" she says as she rubs your back. You then start crying once the vomiting stopped as you were in shock.

Emily's POV
While away on your case last week, you got an email from Amy's school informing you that there was a vomiting bug going around. You didn't seem too worried because Amy normally has a great immune system and rarely gets sick.

You did notice that she was sleeping a lot which is what she normally does when her body is trying to fight off an infection so it makes sense that she has been napping constantly. As soon as she started throwing up, you realized that she was must of caught the bug.

You got Aaron to call the school and let them know that she wasn't going to go tomorrow. You held her hair and rubbed her back as she constantly threw up. She vomited all over her sweatshirt. She took it off as you brought it into the washroom and washed it for her while she took a shower.

She went to her room and got into pajamas before going back to the bathroom to vomit again. You started braiding her hair and kept it out of her face as you rubbed her back until the vomiting stopped. Once she stopped vomiting, Aaron carried her to bed as you brought the trash can over next to her bed.

You snuggled with her and she threw up all night long. You woke up with her as she seemed to have a wave of nausea every hour for 3 hours straight before the wave hit every 2 hours which meant that she was recovering quickly. It usually only lasted 10 minutes and then she would go back to sleep immediately. You on the other took a while to get back to sleep as you were worried sick about her.

At about 11 am, we both woke up. The color in Amy's face had mostly come back and you could see how she was in much better form. You were very grateful that she looked well again. You planned on sending her back into school the next day if she didn't vomit anymore. Amy mostly sat and watched tv or slept.

At 7, Aaron came home and made his famous chicken noodle soup which Amy was able to keep down. You tucked her into bed and said "if you throw up again or even feel nauseous you come into my room and wake me up okay?" "okay" she says back. "I mean it" you respond as you kiss her head goodnight which you noticed that her forehead has cooled down.

You fall asleep at 11 and wake up to your alarm going off. You take a shower before waking up Amy. "Hey Baby, how did you sleep?" you ask as she wakes up. "Good," she responds. "No more nausea" "No" "because if you do we can stay home again" "mom I feel fine" she says.

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