Chapter 30- D+

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Amelia's POV
You were actually feeling much better. You had a bunch of tests on Friday and you were reviewing in all your classes today and tomorrow. School was easy and you studied at the bureau until 7.

You went home and woke up the next morning nervous. You took all of your tests and felt pretty much ready. You did good on all of them. You walked into US history last period. You didn't feel like going and debated on skipping but your mom would get a call from the school and your dad would switch you to homeschooling.

You did some dumb activity while Mr. Martin finished grading your tests. At the end of the period he started handing back tests.

He handed his test back to Henry first "great job" he says to Henry as you see he got a 100%. He passed it around to everyone telling them "great job" or "well done " or "not bad".

He then comes over to your desk "Let's hope you do better next time" he says as you look down at your paper 68%.

You grabbed it as the bell rang. You threw it out in the recycling bin and walked out to see your parents waiting in the car for you.

The Bau Christmas party was tonight at Rossi's
mansion. So everyone finished work early today. The party was dress up themed and you wore a tight red dress. Your dad wore a suit and your mom wore a black dress.

You did secret Santa and you got Rossi. The budget was $10 so you got him a world's best grandpa mug. When you got to the party, Rossi gave you a big hug and welcomed everyone in.

You walked in and sat next to the kids on the couch. Hank, Michael and Henry were all there. Hank and Michael were both watching some kids superhero show while you sat down and pulled out your phone.

Henry was texting someone "who are you texting?" you whisper to him so nobody else could hear "Just Stella" "like Stella from US History?" "Ye" "what are you texting about?" "Just the US History test" "why?" "she said she did bad and asked if I could tutor her" "Henry, she got a 97% on that test" "she did?" "Ye she has the biggest crush on you!" "She does?" "Yes she is always admiring you in class, you should go out with her!" "you think I have a chance?" "I mean of course".

Suddenly JJ walks over "why are you in such a good mood?" she asks Henry. "No reason, '' he says back. "Henry" she says with her scary eyes. "Someone in our US History class wants me to tutor them" "and does this someone have a name?" There was a long pause.

"Henry" "Stella, her name is Stella" "How are you feeling Amy?" JJ then asks shifting all her attention to you. ''Much better '' ''Em was telling me that you had the vomiting bug '' ''ye but I'm feeling much better now '' ''good" she says with an awkward pause.

"How did you do on the US History test?" she asks "I heard you fell asleep" you turn over at Henry and glare at him. "It was the only way I could stop her from annoying me" he says back apologetically.

"So not good?" she says. You nod your head as you look down at your feet. "Did you at least pass?" she asks as you respond "barely".

Suddenly you hear your mom's voice "what did you barely pass?" she asks angrily. JJ then mouths sorry. "Well I'm going to the bathroom" JJ says before running away. As Henry scoots to the other side of the couch. "Can we please not do this now?" you plead as she glares at you. "Fine, but we are going to talk about this later"

The rest of the party went smoothly. You had dinner and it was time for a gift exchange. You avoided your mom the whole night.

Rossi opened his present. When he opened the wrapping, he grabbed the mug and read "world's best grandfather" he couldn't help but smile a bit. He gives you a big hug.

Derek then gave you your present with a note. You open it to find a stick of concealer, with a note on it. You read the note out loud "for the next time you get a hickey '' your face goes red and everyone starts laughing except for your parents. You even start to laugh a bit before giving him a big thank you hug.

Once the party was done, you hopped in the car and drove home. Your mom had a little too much to drink so hopefully she forgot about your test.

You sneak up past the door and don't even make it past the living room before you hear "come back here we need to talk" you turn around and put on a nervous smile.

Your mom was making her scary face as you made your way to the couch. "What did you almost fail?" "Nothing" you respond avoiding eye contact. "Amelia Adrianna Hotchner, what did you almost fail and don't lie to me" she says sternly as she takes her finger and gently grabs your chin so you guys are making eye contact.

"My history test" you say looking down at your feet as her hand leaves your face, tears coming out of your eyes. You were expecting her to yell at you. She takes her thumb and wipes the tears off your face.

"Baby, I'm not mad at you. Just tell me what happened" more tears started flowing out of your eyes. "I studied all night for a bunch of different tests and I lied to you that morning. I never actually went to sleep. The test was the last period of the day. I did most of the test but I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep during the essay portion. When I got woken up it was the end of class and I asked for extra time but..." you say as you start sobbing heavily.

She pulls you into your arms and rubs circles around your back. This normally calmed you down a bit. Once you stopped crying, you both went to bed.

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