Chapter 52-Beach Breeze

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Amy's POV
Once all the fireworks were finished, you all went inside to play card games. You played some dumb card game with Henry while Rossi finished cleaning up. Once Rossi came back inside, you ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Thank you so much for tonight, it really means a lot" "of course mio nipote" he says before kissing your forehead. You then went up and showered before getting into your pyjamas. When you came back down, everyone was in the movie room trying to pick out a movie to watch. Your parents were gone off somewhere so you sat next to JJ. She was obviously told to take care of you while your mom and dad were out. She pulled you in and pulled a blanket over the both of you as you both watch some old movie that Spencer suggested.

Emily's POV
As you were about to walk back inside after the fireworks, Aaron suggest that you two would go on a night swim. You obviously agreed but decided to wait until Rossi was done cleaning up before going out. You both went inside and split up. You went over to JJ. "Hey Jayge, Aaron and I are thinking of going out for a night swim. Can you mind Amy while we are out?" she just laughs "of course have fun with Mr Hotchner" she says with a wink. You flip her off before Rossi came in. As soon as Amy went upstairs, you and Aaron both slipped out.

It was pitch black as you both walk down the beach. As soon as you were out of sight from the house, Aaron picked you up and threw you over his shoulder as he ran to the beach umbrella that was laying out. He put you down softly and gave you a quick kiss as he stepped away. His eyes were glistening from the full moon.

Aaron then took off his shirt showing his toned abs that are always hidden in his shirts and his small patch of chest hair that was soft to the touch. You copied him and took off your own t-shirt. He then took of his swim trunks so now he was completely naked. You eyed his body up and down. You still get butterflies every time you see him naked. You continue to get undressed as you begin taking off your bikini top. You see Aaron's dick get hard instantly as your bikini top drops on the ground. There was a slight breeze which caused your nipples to go hard. This only made him hungrier. You quickly pull down your shorts and bikini bottoms in one swoop motion before running to the ocean leaving a slightly confused Aaron.

As you are running, you feel two big hands wrap around your waist and pick you up. The grab was gentle as he would never want to hurt you but rough at the same time. If there is one thing that Aaron can be, it's impatient when it comes to sex. He sprinted into the ocean with you until the water got to his hips. The sea was calm as the waves were gentle. The water was cold and the breeze became even colder but you didn't care.

Aaron spun you around and the water now hit just below your chest so the water wouldn't cover your boobs but stayed far enough away from land that nobody could see you guys. Your legs quickly wrap around his waist as your arms wrap around his neck. His hands shift from your waist to your ass as he squeezed them. It was like a perfect fit as his hands moulded onto your ass perfectly.

His lips instantly meet yours as he starts kissing you lovingly and passionately. You were now becoming the impatient one as you start to bite on his lower lip for more access. As soon as he opens his mouth for you, your tongue dives in as he fights you for dominance and wins. His lips eventually leave yours as they make their way slowly down your neck.

You couldn't wait anymore as you slowly lower yourself onto his dick. It went in perfectly even though you couldn't see it. You waited a minute before you adjusted to the size as he grabbed your right boob and starts squeezing it. You then slowly slide up and down his dick, hitting your g spot every time. Your hands quickly moved from his neck to his shoulders for balance. Your nails soon started digging into his skin which caused him to let out a slight moan. This just caused you to increase your speed.

Your thrusts soon became weak as you two were both closer and closer to your climax. You were moaning so hard until you felt your orgasm approaching in the pit of your stomach. Your walls started to close as he took one of his hands of your ass and started rubbing your clit. This took you over the edge but you held it in until you felt him start to cum.

As soon as you felt him finish, you released and had a mind blowing orgasm. Your legs felt like jelly so Aaron carried you back onto land and placed you down where your towels were. When you thought he was going to start getting dressed, you saw that he was ready for round two.

You layed down on your back with your legs spread out wide as he walked over. You sat up using your for arms as he kneels down and plants a big kiss on your lips. The kiss was passionate as he bites your lower lip for access to add tongue.
After a while, his lips left yours as they traveled across your jaw before going down your neck.

He started sucking on your sweet spot but carefully as to try not leave any hickeys. His lips then leave your neck as they go back up to your lips for a quick passionate kiss. They go back down to your boobs as he starts sucking on one and groping the other. After a while, he could tell that you were becoming impatient so he goes straight down to your thighs.

One hand resting on the opposite thigh to keep your legs open and the other hand still caressing your boob. His lips slowly make their way higher and higher up your thighs as they finally make their way right to your clit. He starts sucking on it as you let out a super load moan that you didn't realise you were holding in. As soon as you moan, he takes his lips off your clit and attaches them to your lips again.

There you could taste a mixture of yourself, the sea and sand as well as Aaron on his lips. As his lips move their way to your jaw again and down to your neck, he slowly inserts his dick in. You moan in pleasure as you adjust. You tell him to go so he starts thrusting himself into you hitting your g spot every time again until you feel your orgasm about to hit. You scream his name as you orgasm and he does the same before he immediately flips you over and tell you to get on all fours.

You were surprised at the sudden eagerness to continue. But you quickly go on all fours and he grabs your hips. He slips his dick back in and pounds you from behind instantly. Your legs are shaking and you begin to feel sensitive. You could barely stay upright. You came almost instantly again before he rolled out and started putting on his clothes. You however just sat there and took a minute to catch your breath as you watch him getting dressed.

Once he's dressed, he gives you his hand and pulls you up. "Sore legs" he asks to which you nod yes and he chuckles. You pull him back in for a kiss and whisper "don't regret it at all" before trying to bend down and grab your bikini. Aaron kneels down and grabs your bikini for you. He helps you put on your bottoms before grabbing your bikini top and helping you put it on. You go to grab your top but Aaron grabs it back from you. "I'd like to keep this" he says with a wink. You roll your eyes before jumping on his back as he gave you a piggy back ride all the way up to the house. He puts you down as you try sneak in through the backdoor but are caught by Rossi.

"Aaron, Emily welcome back" he says which causes you to blush. "We just went for a quick night swim and lost track of time" you said nervously. "Mmh night swim?" he says to which Aaron replies "yes what else would we be doing?" his tone changed to kind of irritated to try mask the fact that he was secretly nervous that Rossi might know what you guys actually did "well considering Emily's bikini is still dry and her hair is a mess..." he says before putting his empty glass in the dishwasher and walking upstairs. "Did Rossi catch us?" you say as you start laughing. "I guess he did" Aaron said laughing back. You both sneak back upstairs before sneaking into bed and falling asleep immediately.

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