Chapter 13: First case

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Emily's POV
Did you really just see Amelia make out with her boyfriend?? Does she know that you saw that? You quickly drive to the BAU and walk in. You make your way over to your desk and start your first wave of paperwork. You look up at Hotch's desk and see that Strauss is in there. Mmh you thought, I wonder what that's about. After about thirty minutes Strauss leaves and Hotch informs everyone to meet in the conference room in 15. You slowly worked your way through another file of paperwork before heading in.

"Two sixteen year old girls were found dead just outside of Dallas, Texas earlier this morning. Both were beaten to death and were assaulted repeatedly." Garcia starts saying. "The Dallas police have yet to invite us but we should be invited out shortly." Hotch says. We start to review the case before you check your phone to see that it was time to pick Amy up from school.

"Sorry but I have to go and pick Amy up for school but I should be back in 30 minutes." you say as you quickly run to your desk and grab your handbag. You hop in the car and drive to Amy's school. As you park right in front of the school you see her and Brad full on making out. Brad was sitting on a bench and Amy was sitting on his lap. You got so angry that you beeped your horn.

Amy looked up and saw your car. She quickly got off of Brad's lap and scurried her way to the car. Her face was as red as a tomato as she hopped in the car. "I will most likely be leaving either today or tomorrow for a case. I don't know how long I will be gone for but Garcia will be minding you. Be on your best behavior okay?" "Okay" she says as she looks down.

We got to the office and continued to work until Hotch told us that we will most likely be getting a call any hour now and it is best if we get as much sleep as possible. You head to your desk to see Amy working on her laptop. "Hey" you said. "I will most likely be leaving in the middle of the night so you will probably have to wake up with me and go to the office. You can sleep on the couch though but have an outfit layed out for tomorrow just in case." you say as we head out.

"What do you want for dinner? I'm too tired to cook but we have to get something quick." "McDonalds?" you ask. "Perfect, I'll go tell dad" she says. We pull up to the drive-thru and you order a large fries with diet coke to share with Aaron while Amy gets a happy meal with chicken nuggets. We start eating in the car and pull up to the parking lot as we rush inside. You start packing your go bag and quickly shower as you hop right into bed.

At 3 in the morning, Aaron woke you up telling you that the flight leaves in 30 minutes. You quickly open the dunkin app and order our usuals as Aaron wakes up Amelia. She quickly hops out of bed and throws on sweats before running into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She then grabs her makeup bag as we quickly rush out the door. We pulled up to Dunkin and grabbed our stuff before driving up to the Bau where Garcia was waiting for her.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her," you told her. "No problem, she is an absolute delight to be with" she responds. You quickly run out the door to drive to the private jet as Amy puts her coffee in the fridge for later. She then hopped into Garcia's pull out bed before falling back to sleep. Garcia Facetimed us talking more about the case and you could see Amy fast asleep at the corner of the screen. Hotch told everyone to take a quick nap before we landed and everyone did. But you just couldn't stop worrying about Amy'

''Hey Em what you thinking about" you looked up to see JJ and realized that you were subconsciously picking the skin around your nails. "Just Amy" you told her. "Care to elaborate, I can't sleep and I need to take my mind off of this case". "I saw her making out with her boyfriend twice yesterday and his hands were on her ass. I know that I took her to the gynecologist two days ago and they said that she was a virgin but still. We got into another huge fight again. I feel like we fight everyday. Like on monday I tried having a conversation with her about using protection which ended in Amy sobbing and her thinking that she is an inconvenience and was one of the worst things to ever happen to me" JJ just sat there listening. "I just don't know what to do. How could one night ruin our whole relationship?" "It may not feel like it but you are doing the right thing,'' she says. She then placed her head on your shoulder and we both fell asleep.

Amy's POV
Your alarm goes off at 7. You take your coffee out of the fridge. You then go to the bathroom and throw on your makeup before brushing your hair and throwing it into a messy bun. You grab your donut and eat it and start drinking your coffee. Just as you go to tell Garcia that you were ready, you get a text from mom apologizing for this morning and wishing you a good day promising to facetime you tonight. Penelope drives you to school and you text the group chat.

Amy: My parents are away, does anyone wanna hang out this weekend?
Chloe: I'm going skiing with Tyler and his family Saturday and Sunday but we are free Friday night if that works?
Amy: Perfect!!!
Tyler: Ye that sounds good, I've got football till 7 but I'm free after
Brad: can't wait! What time?
Amy: 10?

You then go to text Chloe privately. "Hey do you think I could go through the bag and grab a thing or two from there?" to which she responds "of course!"

Suddenly Garcia walks in. "Are you ready to go?" "yep" you say as you drive to school. You got picked up and went straight to the office leaving at 8. Garcia makes a salad for dinner and you eat and talk before going to bed. You facetime your mom and dad for 10 minutes before you go to sleep. She had been texting you constantly all day long which was weird but it was probably because of the argument on Sunday when you said that she works too much.

You wake up Friday morning and jump out of bed. You were so excited about tonight. You got Garcia up early which you knew would help her get to sleep earlier. You were so excited about tonight. Garcia dropped you off at school and picked you up once it ended. You switched the labels at the office last night so Garcia was drinking DeCaf all day and when you arrived at home at 7, Garcia made lasagna and was passed out by 9.

You quickly change into your sexy lingerie and throw on a silk nightdress with your distressed black jean jacket. You quickly applied your makeup and grabbed your phone as you crawled out your window leaving a crack open and climbed down the fire escape. There Tyler, Chloe and Brad were waiting in the car as you drove to the park. The park was empty as you guys sat around vaping and drinking. Chloe and Tyler went back to the car while you and Brad stayed outside.

You were leaning on Brad and you felt his hand slowly climbing its way up your thigh and lightly grazing over your clit. "Out in public?" you ask him. "Nobodies around" he says as he tugs on your denim jacket. "Fine" you say as his arm snakes to your underwear and pulls them off. You then pull down his shorts and he pulls the condom on. As he inserts it in, something didn't feel right. It was so big inside you that you would tear. Suddenly a gush of blood comes out and he slides it out fast. "Are you okay?" he asks as you begin to feel drowsy and pass out.

You wake up in the hospital in a gown where your mom was sitting in the chair beside you. She had obviously been crying and looked super worried. She didn't even look the slightest bit mad which meant you had some time before getting yelled at.

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