Chapter 58: Happy Birthday

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Amy's POV
You wake up to the smell of pancakes filling your room. You open your eyes and slowly get out of bed. You couldn't help but smile as you walk to the kitchen. You walk into the kitchen and see your parents chatting away.

"Happy birthday baby" your mom says as she sees you. She pulls you in for a long hug as she kisses the top of your head and you couldn't help but smile. "Happy birthday Ames" your dad says as he gives you a quick hug. "I can't believe you are so grown up" your mom says with a smile. "It was like only yesterday I was giving birth to you" she says as you could see her get emotional.

You roll your eyes as she brings you in for another hug. "Mom..." you say a little annoyed. "Sorry" she says as she lets go of you. "Dad made your favourite!" she says as you make your way over to the island and sit down.

Your mom passes over a plate of pancakes. "Eat up! You've got a big day today" she says as you look at her confused before remembering that you had therapy and cheer today. You eat all of your pancakes. "Thank dad" you say as you put your plate in the dishwasher. "No problem princess" he says.

You go to your room and get ready for cheer. You throw your hair in a high ponytail and put on your nike pros and lulu align top before you put on some sunscreen and got your cheer shoes on. "Amy let's go, we can't be late" your mom shots. "Coming" you shout back as you quickly grab your cheer bag. Your mom hands you your water bottle. "Thanks" you say. You both walk to the car as she drives you to the high school. She parks right outside. "Have fun today and show them that you deserve to be there" she says as you nod.

You hop out and we're immediately greeted by some of the team. "OMG Happy Birthday Amy!" Everyone who basically ignored you last practice were being really friendly today. "Thanks" you said as you started practice.

You were excited for the season to start and had your first scrimmage next week. Everyone got used to you being back and they stopped giving you weird looks now.

You walk out of practice and see your mom parked outside waiting for you. You open the door and hop in. "how was practice?" she asks while she starts driving. "It was good but we have our first scrimmage next week so a lot more pressure" you say as she nods. "Well don't stress out too much. At the end of the day it's supposed to be fun and if you aren't enjoying it anymore, you can always quit" she says as you roll your eyes. "I know mom but I still like it" you say as she nods her head.

You open your phone and see hundreds of messages wishing you a happy birthday. You start responding to them as your mom was just concentrating on the road.

You finally get home as mom unlocks the front door. You make your way to the couch immediately as you plop yourself down. As you go to grab the remote, you hear your mom. "Amy shower first" she says as you roll your eyes. Your dad comes in with shopping bags. "Hey Amy can you help with the bags?" he asks as you smile. "Sorry I have to take a shower now" you said before you run into the bathroom so he couldn't say anything else.

You hop in the shower and take your time. You start shaving your legs before hopping out. You wrap the towel around you as you drop your cheer stuff in the hamper. You put moisturiser on before putting on a sweatsuit. You then go back to the living room as you jump on the couch. You turn on the tv and start watching it before you somehow fall asleep.

You wake up to your mom shaking you awake. You roll over as she tries to wake you up. "Come on Amy, we have to go" she says as you groan. "Another hour please" you whine before getting up. "We'll get a coffee after therapy" she says as you slightly smile. "Now there's my favourite smile" she says as her hand touches your cheeks. "Now come on sleepyhead" she says as you jump up and grab your shoes before you both head out.

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