Chapter 26: Conversations with JJ

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Amelia's POV
JJ starts walking as over to you "hey Amy" "hey JJ" you say back. "So how's the whole grounding going?" "You mean prison?" "Oh I'm sure it's not that bad" she says back "JJ, there are security cameras by every exit, I can't leave the house unless I'm with one of them, I still don't have my own door- so zero privacy 24/7." "Well you know if Henry even missed his curfew, he would get his phone taken away for a long time and not leave the house for weeks" she said back.

Henry is in your grade and he is your perfect student. He takes all advanced classes and is the biggest nerd. He plays chess and enjoys reading books and likes other nerdy stuff. He's nice though and we have US History together.

"I hear you have a big History test coming up, you ready?" she asks "as long as I get at least a C+ I should be fine" you say with a shrug. "Just don't tell my mom about it please." you say seriously. "I won't" she says. "Are you excited about Cuba? Emily was telling me all about it" "yes I'm so excited, I bought two new bikinis and I can't wait! I just need to stay out of trouble for a month and then I'm good." you say back.

Your mom then walks out of the bathroom. "I hope she wasn't too much trouble" she says as JJ responds "not at all" your mom then takes a seat next to the two of you. "She was just telling me about Cuba and the bikinis she bought for it" "did she tell you about all the other purchases that day?" your mom says as your face turns red. "No she didn't" JJ said as she looked at you before looking back at your mom

"oh yes let's just say the Hotchner family made big purchases on Black Friday" mom responds "how much are we talking?" JJ asks "$1700 not including Cuba purchases" "I thought it was only $1500" you respond back "that was before we bought the bikinis" she said "oh yes" you said. "Does Aaron know?" JJ asked "Yep, the credit card company called just after we booked the trip to Cuba" "No" "yep" "what did Aaron say?" "He was mad at first but after some talking to he forgave me" she said. "What did you say? Will would lose his shit with me" JJ said.

Your mom then looks around before covering your ears. As she whispers stuff to JJ, her jaw drops. Your dad then comes out of his office as your mom takes her hands off your ears. "I think I'll be going shopping this weekend if we don't have a case" "well it is cyber Monday, so you could go shopping together online, maybe Aaron might help me pick a few items." Your mom says as you walk to your dad. Both JJ and your mom starts laughing as you walk to the elevator with dad.

"What are you making for dinner?" you ask "I was thinking shepards pie" "with the vegetables on the side?" you say as you make your puppy dog eyes. "Only cause I love you" he says as he pulls you in for a hug. "Yes" you say.

Emily's POV
Your walk over and see Aaron and Amy hugging "what are we celebrating?" you ask as you see Amy all excited. "I'm making shepards pie with the vegetables on the side," Aaron says as he rolls his eyes. "I'm going to take a nap but wake me up when dinner is ready,'' Amy says as she runs to the car.

"She's so happy" you say as you lean into Aaron. "She's just like you" "what?" "Getting so excited over the littlest things" "we made a great kid didn't we" you say as he kisses you. "Yes we did" he said back. "We better get going though before she gets angry" you said. "She gets angry over the littlest things like you too" Aaron says as he laughs. "oh shut it" you say as you slap his chest.

You hop in the car and once you get inside, Amy goes to sleep and Aaron starts cooking as you get on your laptop and start shopping for new lingerie. You grab a big glass of red wine as you start adding some items to your shopping cart.

"Hey Aaron can you look over these items I wanna buy?" "Not more clothes" he says as he puts the dinner in the oven. "Who said they were clothes" you say. He closes the oven door and sits on the chair next to you.

As he sees the screen, his eyes pop open at the site of your cart. "Order them all" he says as he starts to whisper "and I can't wait to rip them off" you suddenly feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Aaron walks back into the kitchen and turns the timer on. You click purchase and the order goes through. You then yawn "I think I'm going to take a nap too" you say. "Okay I'll wake you up when dinner is ready" he says as you give him a quick peck on the lips.

Amelia's POV
You couldn't go to sleep no matter how hard you tried so you took a pill before dozing off. You wake up an hour later to your dad lightly shaking you awake. "Dinners ready" he says as you jump up and run to the table where your mom was sitting.

You take a big spoon of shepherd's pie before taking big mouthfuls. You finish your plate and help yourself to seconds.

"So" your dad says. "Can we not have one full day of no arguing?" you ask. "Well this is not an argument" mom says. "So then what is it?" you say back. "Garcia is coming over for dinner tomorrow and we are discussing rules for when we are gone on cases." "What type of rules?" you ask nervously. "Similar to our rules but you need to give your phone to Garcia at night." dad says.

"Why? What could I possibly be doing that's so bad on my phone at night?" "Take nudes" your mom says. "What?" you say back confused. "Don't act innocent with me Amelia I saw your my eyes only" "You went through my phone?" "I had to, you had just come back from the hospital after sneaking out, getting high, and trying to have sex" "oh my god" you say as you walk to your room. You grabbed another pill and went to bed. Your parents were talking for 30 minutes. When your mom entered your room again, you pretended like you were asleep until you eventually fell asleep.

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