Chapter 4: Telling the truth(sort of)

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Amelia's POV
As she let go of your hand, you looked into her eyes and started speaking "I got a text from Brad telling me that Tyler was throwing a party" you said "Is Brad the boy you were with last night?" she asks to which you nod your head yes as you look down embarrassed to which she responds "verbal answer please" God you hated when she says that it's so annoying you think to myself. You look at her and say "yes"

"he offered to drive me to Tylers and was supposed to drive me home last night. I thought that you would still be on a case so I didn't think I needed to ask if I could go out. The party started at 10 I think but by the time we got there everyone was already on their second or third drink. I felt weird being the only one there who wasn't drinking so I had one drink. I'm sorry" you say as you feel the tears in your eyes starting to brim.

"It was only supposed to be one drink which turned into two and then three and then I guess I lost count. Then Tyler suggested that we play beer pong and it was me and Brad against Tyler and one of his friends. (I didn't want to say Chloe because my mom already thinks that she was a bad example) Anyways after that someone brought marijuana and I guess that I had so much to drink that I tried it (I also didn't want to tell her that I have always wanted to try it and that I would probably try it again next time I hang out with my friends). The music was getting a bit too loud so Brad and I went to go somewhere more quiet and then one thing led to another" You say as you started to mumble because you do NOT want to talk about sex with your mom like ever. "And then you got there and that was that. We weren't going to get much farther anyway, probably a blowjob max" you say. She looks shocked and takes a minute to process everything that you just told her and it looked like she believed it all. Except for the part with you and Brandon not going much farther. She probably thinks a blowjob is still pretty far. Maybe you shouldn't have added that last part.

"So you and Brad" she starts saying as you feel your face go red. "How long have you guys been dating for" she asks "a few weeks" you say "and did you plan on ever telling me about him" she asks to which you nod your head no "Amelia" (she only called me Amelia when she was mad or it was serious) she says to which you reply "not yet" there was a long pause before she asks "Did you ever um, have you ever um had sex?" she stutters out, unable to even fathom this thought. Oh my god No she did not just ask that, you want to be swallowed up whole right now.

As you were about to answer the question the doorbell rings, and mom jumps up off the couch and opens it. It was the chinese food that we had ordered. "We can just eat this on the couch,'' she says as she passes me my food. We eat in silence for a bit before mom goes "well have you, you know yet?" You looked her in the eyes and said no. You could see the relief wash over her. "You know that you can always talk to me about this stuff right?" She says. You say yes as you took a big chunk of noodles and shoved it into your mouth so you wouldn't have to talk anymore.

After a few minutes of silence, mom breaks the air and goes "As you know I can't let you away with this with no punishment so for the next few weeks I will pick you up after school and you will go straight to the office with me where you can do your homework in the conference room or by my desk until we go home. Do I make myself clear?" she asks. You respond yes but you knew that it will only last a few days as she will definitely be on a case soon and you can go back to hanging out with your friends again.

It's as though she read your thoughts "When I am away on cases, Penelope will be taking care of you." "Garcia?!" you say. "Yes and she will pick you up from school and I will facetime you everyday so that I am away to make sure that you are still behaving." "Okay" you said. "I will also make an appointment with a gynocologist since I can't stop you from being sexually active but we can leave that conversation for another night."

"Mom" you say as your face turns bright red again. "What?" she goes "We are gonna have to have that awkward conversation soon anyways since I walked in on you almost doing it. It's perfectly normal and if you are doing it even though I'd rather you wait till you are much older. I need you to use protection so you don't get pregnant or an std." "I think this is my que to go to bed now" you say as you go to throw your empty container in the trash. "Don't forget early morning-I will wake you up at 6 tomorrow and we should aim to leave the house by 6:30 and we can get breakfast on the way there." "Fine" you say with a sulk on your face. "Night- I love you" she says.

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