Chapter 57: Cheer practice

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Emily's POV
You wake up at 7:30 and see that Aaron was gone. You turn on your phone and see Aaron texted you. He is on a bike ride right now and will be home at 9. You go to the kitchen and make yourself a smoothie.

You open Amy's door at 8. You see that she was passed out still. You go to her bed and gently shake her awake. "Morning baby" you say as she opens her eyes. She looks at you and you see that she was grumpy. She hops out of bed and walks to the bathroom. She slams the door shut and you walk back into your room.

You get into your workout clothes and get ready for Pilates. You walk back out and see Amy's door open. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing her nike pros and a tank top. She had her cheer shoes on and grabbed her bag. "You ready to go?" you ask as she grabs her bottle and fills it up before putting it in her bag. "Don't forget to grab something" you say as she picks up a banana. You both walk out to the car and she gets really quiet. "You are going to do great" you say as you pull up to the high school track. You give her a quick kiss on the cheek as she hops out. You wait till she walks up before you go and try drive away. As you were about to drive away, Stacey's mom walks up to you.

Oh fuck. You roll down your window and she comes up to you. "Oh hey Emily, haven't seen Amy around in a while" she says in her fake smile. "Oh yeah, but she's back now" you say just as fake. "It's a shame she missed tryouts" she says looking at you weirdly. "Yes but Amy was away so she couldn't exactly make them." "Oh yes, Stacey was telling me how you took her out of school and brought her with you on a case. The other moms agreed that it was an interesting choice but you know it must be hard when you are constantly away on cases" she says as you were about to snap. "Well I have to go to my Pilates class now" "I hope to see you at games this year." "You smile and drive away. God you hated her.

Amy's POV
You walk to your designated area and put your bag out. The football players had just finished practice and it was weird seeing Brad. You saw Tyler and you ran up and gave him a big hug. You let Chloe tell Tyler the truth because you could trust him. "Hey Amy glad you are back" he says as you smile. You could see the girls whispering behind you but you chose to ignore it. "First practice of the summer?" you ask as he nods. "You?" he asks as you nod. "When did you get back?" he asks. "Um a few days ago" you say with a smile. "We should hang out, unless you are still on house arrest" he says as you giggle. "I have no idea to be honest" you say as he looks at you. "Well text the group chat and maybe we could hang again" he says as you nod your head. "Well I gotta go" "bye" you say as you walk back to the cheer area.

Your coach walks over and talks to you privately. "Hey Amy it's good to see you back" she says with a smile. You loved your coach and were glad that she was so considerate about your absence.

"So I talked to your mom and she that you were unable to do the summer conditioning" "oh yeah, I wasn't allowed to do any excessive exercise" you respond as she looks worried.

"Is everything okay? Are you ready to come back?" she asks. "Oh no, I'm fine, the doctors were just nervous that I had an eating disorder and it didn't fit into my schedule" you say with a nervous laugh as she nods slightly confused. "Did you do any exercises?" she asks concerned.

"Oh um I would go on a 20 minute walk every night with my nurse before going to bed. On Mondays, I would go on a nature walk around the premises for about an hour and on Wednesdays, I would go to Zumba for an hour as well." "Okay, well it should be a light day but please let me know if you need to sit out okay?" she asks as you nod.

Practice went smoothly and you didn't need to sit out at all although you thought about it a lot. The other girls were acting really strange but you just brushed it off. Practice finally ended and you grab your bag to go home. You texted your mom and told her that you were done. She texted you and let you know that you would be there in 5.

Everyone leaves and Stacey walks up to you. "Hey, I'm so glad you are back" she says all fake. "Me too" you say. "So glad you cleared up those rumours about why you left" she said with her fake laugh. "If someone thought that you were pregnant or an alcoholic or a druggie or that your parents finally sent you away because of your partying problem, well that would just be bad looking for the team" she says as you roll your eyes. "Whatever Stacey" she says as you were not in the mood for her bullshit. "I just want the team to be represented the best possible way and your party animal facade doesn't exactly help uphold that reputation" she says as she looks at you.

"Well, it's not my fault you are so fucking uptight" you say back with a fake smile. She gasps as she looks shocked.  "Oh my goodness" she says as nobody has ever talked to her like that before. "Also it's not the end of the world if you get laid and relax every now and then"

You see your moms car pull up and your coach was nowhere in sight. You walk away and stick up your middle finger before walking to the car. You hop in the front and your mom looked pissed. "How was cheer?" she asks. "Fine, how was Pilates?" "Fine" she responds as the car ride was quiet. You both walk in and dad was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. "Hey guys" he says with a smile as he looks up. He could sense the tension as your mom walks straight into the bathroom, slamming the door. "What happened?" he asks you as you shrug.

Emily's POV
You walk out of the bathroom and throw on some loungewear. You sit down next to Aaron on the couch as you cross your arms and sigh. Aaron puts the newspaper down and looked at you. "What?" you ask snappy. "What's going on Em?" he asks as he looks at you. "I had a little run in with Stacey's mom. God do I not like her" you say as he pulls you in for a side hug and kisses your head. "What did she say?" "You know the usual shaming me for not going to any of Amy's games. Oh and apparently Amy told people that we took her out of school because of a case. Which led me to get shamed for not spending enough time with her" you huff.

Amy's POV
You walk out of your room in your pyjamas after a nice long shower. You were hungry so you walk towards the fridge. You were walking kind of quietly until the floorboard cracks. Your dad turns over and you make eye contact. "Hey Amy, why don't you join us on the couch?". You nervously make your way to the couch. Dad had his normal serious dad face but Mom, Mom had her tired face.

Like she was tired of dealing with someone's bullshit face. This face doesn't come out often. I mean, you have seen this face a lot this year. Like you've seen this face more this year than you have your entire life but still, every time you see that face, you get a little surprised.

You sat down across from your parents. You pull your feet up and cross them as you start playing g with your finger nails. "Am I in trouble" you ask as you nervously bite your lip. This is when your mom would normally take your hand and tell you no. But instead she just sat there and your dad said no. "Then what's going on?" you ask.

"I just wanted to clear up something" your mom finally says. You gulp as you realise that you were now in big trouble. "After dropping you off at cheer practice, I ran into Stacey's mom" you gulp as you started getting worried. "she started talking about how we took you with us for one of our cases" your eyes started tearing up. "Is there anything you would like to tell us?"  the tears started streaming down your face.

"I'm so sorry, I guess I panicked when people started asking where I went so I said the first thing that came into mind. I didn't feel comfortable with people knowing that I went to rehab because everyone is already looking at me weirdly and if they found out the real reason, then I wouldn't be able to stay sober" you say as the tears were now flowing freely from your face.

"Aww baby, why didn't you tell us" mom says as she pulls you in for a hug. She kisses your head and rubs your back, trying to calm you down. "I'm sorry, I should've told you but I was afraid that you'd be mad" "Have you talked to Dr. Cruz about it yet?" she asks and you nod. "And what did she tell you to do?" "She told me to tell you both" you say as you nervously make eye contact.

"Well we will tell people that, but next time you decide to make up an excuse like that, please talk to us first" she says as you nod. Your dad just sits there awkwardly while you and mom had a heart to heart.

"Why don't we order pizza?" your dad says as you slightly smile. He gets off the couch and grabs his phone sitting on the island as he orders a large pizza. 15 minutes later a pizza delivery man came. Your dad paid and you all sat down and ate before you went and took a nap. You were exhausted after dealing with Stacey and your mom being mad at you.

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