Chapter 27: Happy 1st of December

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Amy's POV
You decided to wake up a little earlier because you needed to wash your hair. You woke up an hour before you needed to. The house was silent as you hopped in the shower.

You showered super quick before throwing on your robe. You then started blow drying your hair. Once you finish blow drying your hair, you put on a long sleeved shirt with a deep v neck and a pair of leggings before putting on your cross necklace to draw more focus to your chest. You then put on light makeup as your mom walks in.

"Oh Amy you're up" she says. "Ye I wanted to wash my hair this morning," You say back. "Oh okay" she says as she leaves. "You plug in your straightener as you start to straighten your hair. You pulled out your phone and started watching Netflix as you straighten your hair. Once you finished, you saw that you still had 30 minutes left. You walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. You grab some strawberries and started eating it before grabbing your banana.

Your mom then comes out of her room with something behind her back. "Happy December" she says as she gives you an advent calendar. "Thank you" you said as you open up the first which was perfume. Dad and I got you one too you said as you go to your room and grab the Jo Malone advent calendar box from the top cabinet. She gives you a big hug and you leave for school. When you hop in the car, your mom starts talking about decorations. "Hey so I was thinking if we don't have a case this weekend, that we could decorate the house as a family." your mom says as she smiles. "That would be fun!" You say back.

She then drops you off at school. You take a pill and then head to class. Once you were finished with the day, you walk to the parking lot and your dad is waiting for you.

"Hey dad" you say as you hop in the car. "Sorry I wasn't there this morning. I had an early meeting with Strauss. But your mom and I are finished work so we thought of decorating the house for Christmas." "Actually?" "Yes" he says. "Garcia isn't coming till 7 and it's 3 now so we have 4 hours"

You drive home and your mom has got all the boxes out. She had already set up the tree. The tree was fake because your parents are always away on cases and could never water the tree and they think you would kill it.

"Hey Guys" your mom says as you walk in. She is dressed in her pajama shorts and her yale sweatshirt. She opens all the boxes and you start decorating the house. Once you were finished, you and your mom baked Christmas cookies while your dad started eating the icing.

"I was at the mall today and bought you a little something for Christmas Eve. Try it on and tell me if it fits" she says as you run into your room. There was a pair of Christmas pajamas lying on the bed. The top was a simple green long sleeved and the bottoms were white plaid shorts.

You walk out with them on. "Oh they look so good" she says. Now take them off and give them to me so I can put them away and change so we can watch a movie." she says as you throw on your brandy sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

You give them to your mom and you throw your hair in a messy bun. Your mom then takes the cookies out of the oven and sets them on a plate before grabbing the milk to make hot chocolate.

You started decorating the cookies and your dad turns on the tv and pulls up The Grinch before turning on the fire. He then goes to his bedroom and changes into his sweats and a t-shirt. Once the hot chocolates were ready your mom made a smiley face using the marshmallows and brought them over to the coffee table as your brought the cookies over. You snuggled up in between your parents as you watched the movie and ate cookies and drank hot chocolate. Once the movie ended, your dad ordered pizza as your mom put the remainder of the cookies on the cookie plate and put the lid on it.

Garcia then comes in 20 minutes later and the pizza arrives two minutes after her. Your parents sit down next to each other at the dinner table as Garcia sits across from them and you sit beside her. You go over everything that you have previously discussed. Garcia then downloads Ring which was the app that your parents had for a view from the cameras. Once Garcia left, you started your homework and went to bed. You took a pill just to help you fall asleep and you were out within seconds. The next morning, your mom wakes you up and drops you off at school.

At 10 am, you get a text from your mom telling you that they have a case and it might be a long one. At 3, you walk out of school and Garcia is waiting for you outside. You quickly pop a pill before hopping in the car. She hands you a sandwich from subway and tells you to eat up "let me guess, mom made you get me one?" "She is just worried about you not eating enough" she says.

You head back to the office and do your homework as Garcia helps work on the case. At around 9,  Garcia finishes work. At that stage, you had already doordashed yourself dinner. "I'm just going straight to bed" you say. "FaceTime your parents now before you forget" she says.

"Fine" you say as you FaceTime your mom. She picks up and she is in a hotel room with dad. "Hey sweetie" she says "hi mom, hi dad" you say back. "Are you behaving for Garcia?" Dad asks to which she responds "she has been as quiet as a mouse in my office." You talk  about school and stuff before hanging up. You gave Garcia your phone as you took a pill and passed out. This happened for the rest of the week and when the weekend hit you were in the office from 8 am-8pm.

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