Chapter 17: Punishment

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Amy's POV
"Wake up baby" you hear as your mom strokes your arm. You lift the cover over your head and grown. She giggles as she slips the blanket off your face and you sit up as she gives you your pill and a glass of water and you drink it and swallow your pill. Your mom then gives you a kiss before exiting your room. You get into sweatpants and a cropped top. You could hear the bathroom door close as you run into your parents bedroom. You open your moms bedside locker to find your phone powered off.

Your mom has his your phone in her bedside locker whenever you got in trouble since you first got it. Your mom would normally take it away and then some how end up on a case the next day. This meant that you would have always had access to it. Sometimes after a long case, she would forget that she took away your phone or she would just give it back to you. You've never had it taken away for a long period of time thankfully.

You take it and quickly run back into your room. You quickly stuff your phone in your bag as you hear the bathroom door open again. You put on your airforce ones before letting your hair down as it was straightened yesterday at the salon and put on makeup. You walk to the kitchen and grab yourself a banana before you and your mom both hop into the car as she drives you off to school.

You walk out of the house and went to school. Brad was obviously avoiding you and you couldn't deal with it. You power on your phone and texted Chloe as you both went to the bathroom during class. You took a couple hits of your vape and as you blew out the smoke, a teacher walked in. "Down to the principles office now." she said as she walked you you and Chloe down. You sit down in the principals office as you wait for them to call your parents. God were you hoping that your parents were away on a case. Your principal starts calling Chloe's parents before calling yours.

He then calls your dad. After the first ring, your dad picks up. "Shit" you thought to yourself. Your dad is going to kill you. "Hi Mr Hotchner we caught Amelia vaping in the bathroom and would like for you to come down... okay thank you bye." He then calls your mom "Hi Ms. Prentiss we caught Amelia vaping in the bathroom and would like for you to come down... okay thank you bye" after about 15 minutes of awkwardly waiting for your parents to walk into the school, they finally walk in pissed.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hotchner and Ms. Prentiss, Mr. Schue should be with you shortly." The receptionist says as your parents take a seat either side of you. "Great" you thought. You then feel a swat on your arm "Amelia what were you thinking. Vaping in school? Give me your phone. I know you stole it back this morning" your mom says. You looked over at your dad as the tears were brimming in your eyes as he just stared at the door waiting for your meeting to start. You then hand your mom your phone as you cross your arms and ask "how long?" she then responds "I don't know yet". She didn't look mad, just more disappointed. You've been seeing this face a lot more recently.

You see the principal's door open and Chloe walk out with tears flowing out her eyes as she whispers to you "2 weeks of lunch detention." You gulp as you walk in with your parents. "So as you are aware, we have a zero tolerance for smoking in school. As this is Amelia's first offense, I think one weeks of lunch detention and it not ending up on her transcript sound fair" "Yes, thank you so much!" your mom says. "Yes thank you!" your dad says. Your parents shake the principal's hand as you walk out the door to the car. As you get in the car, your dad just drives silently as your mom starts yelling at you. You just look out the window as the tears fill your eyes threatening to spill over.

"Amelia are you even listening to me?" She asks as you nod your head yes. "Aaron" your mom yells. "Yes darling" he says. "Do you have anything to say to your daughter?" " to your mother" he says back. "Oh my god Aaron are you even paying attention to me?" She shouts at him. "Of course I am" he responds back to her. "Well are you going to reprimand our daughter? Or will I just have to do all the yelling?" She says back. "Amelia I am very disappointed in you" he says. Suddenly you couldn't hold it in anymore as the water in your eyes just splurge out. "Do you have anything to say to yourself?" he asks. "I'm so sorry Daddy" you say, unable to hold back the tears. "It's just that Brad has been ignoring me and I couldn't take it. So I took a smoke break to feel better and then a teacher walked in and found us. I'm so sorry."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. You pulled into the car park and slowly shuffled your way up to the apartment. Dad comes over and picks you up. He then carried you straight to your bedroom before putting you down. "Thank you daddy" you say "no problem princess" he says back. He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead. You knew that your dad pretty much forgave you. He then exits as you hear your parents start shouting at each other. You just fall asleep after taking your meds.

When you woke up your mom was sitting there reading a book. She sees you're awake now and puts her book down. "Oh you're awake, do you want to talk?" she says as she moves to sit on your bed. "Not really" you say back. "Amelia..." "fine" "so Brad has been avoiding you?" you felt this huge pit in your stomach appear again. "Yes" you say as your eyes start to brim. She brings you into her lap and hugs you close as you just sob into her arms. Your dad then comes in the room.

"I know today was a crazy day, so Pizza for dinner?" "yes please!" you say."fine, but tomorrow we are eating a real meal since Jacks coming back tomorrow" you forgot that thanksgiving was coming up. Right after Haley and dad got divorced, your parents had a one night stand which led to you. By that stage, Jack was a baby and he started looking at Emily as a mother figure. Once Haley died, your dad ended up having full custody. Although she didn't give birth to him, he still called her mom and she still treated him like a son. Your mom was so excited for him to come home. He was her favourite child as he was always well behaved. He had a good group of friends and they never went to parties or anything. He was coming back for 4 days. Your parents got the next 4 days off. You were kind of excited that Jack was coming back because you didn't like all the attention that you were getting as your parents were closely monitoring him. You had pizza and went to bed

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