Chapter 39- can't sleep

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Amy's POV
After 10 minutes your parents come out of the office. You hand your mom back $2 as she takes your hand. You hop back into the elevator and go up to your dads office while he and your mom grabbed a few files. Everyone was busy working so you sat at your moms desk while she went into your dads office and talked privately as he went through some cases and piled them into two different stacks. When your parents looked like they were deep in conversation, you snook into the bathroom and away from your parents view.

You go into the last stall and see that you were out of pills. You start to panic before you hear the bathroom door open. You flush the toilet and walk out and see your mom look pissed.

"Hey Hotch, I found her" your mom says. Although it wasn't a work related issue, your parents always tried to keep it as professional as possible which meant they would refer to each other by last name when in the office. You wash your hands as you pretended like you just peed and your mom takes your hand as you walk out the bathroom door where your dad was patiently waiting outside. Your dad grabs your moms bag before you all head back to the car.

The car ride was silent as you knew that there was going to be a talk coming soon. You go to shower as you feel your high coming down. You got back to your bedroom and see your bed is missing. You had a major headache so you couldn't even care. You go to the kitchen to make yourself a bowl of cereal for dinner and eat it on the couch. Your headache was so bad that you started zoning out. You didn't even realise that your parents were calling your name until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You flinch at the surprise touch and stop daydreaming as you see your parents either side of you. "Amy, are you okay?" your mom asks as you just look at her. "Are you high right now?" your dad then asks. "No but I wish I was," you say back. "Amy what's wrong with you then," she asks. "I have a massive headache" you respond. "Do you want Advil?" she asks "I want oxy" you respond as you walk to your room and sit up against a wall.

2 minutes later, your parents both come in and see you sitting against the wall and sit either side of you. Your parents started talking and you were half paying attention. All you knew was that your mom was going to work on case files and not travel until you get "better". They then brought you to their bedroom and fell asleep. You tried going to sleep but you couldn't.

At 11 you sneak out and sneak into your bedroom. You started to tear your whole bedroom apart trying to look for a pill just to settle you down. At midnight your dad walked into your room. "Amy what are you doing" he whisper-yells. You turn and make eye contact with him as you quietly sob. He sees what's going on and picks you up and carries you over to the couch.

He then starts to comfort you as you sob into his arms. "Why were you looking for pills Ames?" he asks "they are the only thing that gets me to sleep now" you say as you sob loudly, unable to keep quiet.

Suddenly your mom walks out. "What are you two doing up" she says as she also whisper-shouts. "Amy can't sleep" dad says as she walks over. Your moms anger suddenly washes over as she know looks at you with pity. Your mom then goes to the bathroom and gives you two melatonin tablets. You take them as dad carries you into their bed. Your mom snuggled up to you as you finally fall asleep 30 minutes later.

You wake up the next morning at 9 in a pool of sweat. You hop in the shower and try to get ready for school. You walk in to your room and put on a sweatshirt and a fresh pair of pyjama bottoms. You walk into the kitchen and see your mom making french toast.

"Morning sweetie" she says as you looked confused. "I called the school and told them that you would be coming in late" she says as she plops the french toast on a plate. "Eat up" she says as she gives you a knife and fork. You start eating before going to school.

Once you go to school, you take 5 pills which gave you instant relief. You then take 5 pills before you leave school and take five more before going to sleep. You went to therapy every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This went on for about a month until you finally convinced everyone that you were fine. Your mom started working on cases again and Garcia started taking care of you.

The stress of trying to hide the fact that you are still using only caused you to take more. If you didn't get caught and fuck up again, you probably could start taking care of yourself once summer started.

Your grandmother was going to throw another charity event for Easter and you dm Dylan on insta. "Hey, remember me?" you send to which he quickly responded "of course, how could I forget you 😉 " "you going to my grandmothers Easter party thing right?" "Yes" "can you pick me up some oxy? I promise I'll pay!!" "How much you need?" "500 pills" "500? That's a lot" "I need it to last a long time" "okay" "how much is that gonna cost?" "Mmh you're still latex free right?" "Aww you didn't forget" "how could I?" "I owe you big time" "I think I want partial payback now!" "what do you mean" "send nudes" "right now?" "If you want me to hold up my end of the bargain then yes". Your mom was right, that family are a bunch of dicks. You go into your my eyes only and send him an old pic on snap. "Happy?" "Very much"

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