Third Rune - Bomb. Meeting the Parents.

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The group was back at the shrine. This time there were no monsters.

Impa: That was way too close.

Peter: Tell me about it. At least we made it back in one piece.

Zelda: Who would've known that a guardian would be this close to a shrine?

Y/N: Hold on.

Everyone looked at Y/N.

Y/N: Those things were what Guardians looked like?

Zelda: Yes. That was a Guardian.

Y/N: No. That wasn't a guardian. That was a godforsaken tank on legs!

Peter: Of course it is. What else would it be? A Scorpion?

Stacy: He was being sarcastic!

Peter: Oh.

Zelda: (sighs) Okay. Let's try this again.

Zelda and Link headed for the Pedestal Zelda held the Sheikah Slate above the pedestal and it chimed. The doors opened and the platform glowed.

Y/N: Alright. Things are going better this time.

Peter turned to face Micheal.

Peter: Micheal, you have to stay here.

Micheal nodded and Zelda, Impa, Peter, and Y/N all got on the platform and they went down to enter.

Micheal: They'll be okay, right?

Stacy: They always are.


Peter: Alright. We're here. Everybody off.

???: To you who sets foot in this shrine, I am Ja Baij, In the name of the Goddess Hylia, I offer this trial.

Zelda: Okay. Let's go.

The group found the pedestal Zelda inserted the Slate and the shrine began distilling the third rune. They saw it show the bombs.

Peter: Okay, so there's a cubed bomb and a sphere bomb.

Impa: Yeah. We have to use them to get through those boulders.

Y/N: I'm guessing this is where the bombs come in handy?

Everyone nodded. Zelda then went to activate the Sheikah Slate to create a bomb out of thin air. She then placed it down by the boulders.

Zelda: Ok. Everyone, get back.

Everyone then moved back and Zelda commanded the bomb to detonate.


The bomb exploded and the boulders were completely vaporized.

Peter: Pretty nifty magic trick.

Impa: It does better.

The gang then moved deeper into the temple and found a bunch of catapults launching nothing in the air.

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