Zelda's joining the fight!? Stacy's Scary Interrogation.

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Zelda and Stacy were with Peter, Aaron, and Mipha with Michael in her arms as they all held on tight as they saw the Yiga Clan holding their friends hostage.

Zelda: Alright, we need to figure out how to release our friends without drawing attention.

Stacy: Well, for starters, When we were following them, I noticed something strange in one of those bags over there. 

Peter: What did you see?

Stacy: Something gold? It could be the heirloom.

Mipha: Look! 

The group found Link, Y/N, and the others held hostage by the Yiga Clan as they held them over a cliff. 

Michael: What are they doing?

Zelda: I think they're going to sacrifice them.

Stacy: To what?


The group then heard the ground shaking. Michael looked at the distance and saw something moving. 

Michael: Guys? I don't know if it's a mirage, but is the sand moving??

Everyone looked and saw what Michael was talking about. The sand was moving.

Aaron: What...What in the heck is that?

Zelda: The biggest creature to ever roam the sands...

Y/N and the others were held hostage and they saw Master Khoga appear However, he was also limping.

Y/N: (chuckles) I think that it got to him.

Impa: What's your plan now, Master Khoga? Kill us from behind while you watch?

Master Khoga then got on a few rocks and relaxed.

Master Khoga: Nah. I have a better idea. What better way to end your enemy than to feed them to my Molduga!?

The Champions didn't feel threatened by the name, but Y/N was telling a different story. 

Y/N: Um...What's a Molduga?

Impa: A giant monster that Calamity Ganon created with only two functions: Eat and kill.

Urbosa: The Molduga consumed a large portion of my people. I never thought that it would return to finish us off for good.

Daruk: But won't it only react to large sounds or something?

Master Khoga: Exactly. Omar!

Omar showed up with a Bomb Arrow. He aimed the tip at the wall of the cliff and fired. 



They all heard a roar that didn't sound like any other animal.

Y/N: Holy...It's that big?

Impa: Yeah. It's that big.

Master Khoga: I don't know about you, But I will enjoy watching you all suffer. And once you're out of the picture, all I have to do is kill the princess and then we PARTY HARD!

The Legend of Zelda: Heroes of Worlds (Breath of the Wild x Male Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now