Some time in Gerudo Town. The Communal Spa Baths

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WARNING! The following chapter may contain some scenes that may be considered sexual. This is only intended for mature audiences.

Viewer discretion is advised.


The sunset sat upon the dry sands of the desert. It was the type of environment that Gerudo Town, the very town that Lady Urbosa rules, lived in. Two Gerudo guards were guarding the entrance. If there were a single fly that flew past them, they would kill it.

Gerudo Guard #1: It's good to have the chief alive and well.

Gerudo Guard #2: Agreed. To be honest, I would've lost it if she wasn't there to lead us again.

Gerudo Guard #1: With her back, it's no doubt that she will lead us to victory.

Gerudo Guard #2: But even though she was missing, we cannot abandon our posts.

Gerudo Guard #1: You're right. We must be at ease and...

The two guards saw someone walking up to them. They saw someone walking up to them.

Gerudo Guard #1: Who is that?

Gerudo Guard #2: Perhaps the Yiga Clan is trying to enter...

Gerudo Guard #1: Let's show the chief how good we do our jobs.

Gerudo Guard #2: Stand your ground.

The two raised their spears and aimed the sharp tips at the person. It was revealed to be Peter.

Gerudo Guard #1: STOP! RIGHT THERE! Who are you!?


Peter took a deep breath and gave them the corniest smirk.

Peter: I'm just a weary traveler, ladies. I assure you, I have nothing against you.

Gerudo Guard #2: What do you want?

Peter: (sighs) Water...the beautiful, glistening, and refreshing taste of the very liquid called water. For many days, I have traveled across this long ocean of sand in the hope of an oasis or anything to fill my need for hydration. To fill the need or refreshments that one body will need for survival. But I never, EVER, thought that I would cross paths with two beautiful pieces of art like yourselves.~

The Gerudo guards looked at Peter in confusion.

Gerudo Guard #1: What?

Peter: Why would the universe be so harsh upon your souls? Your brilliant minds of loyalty and honor prove yourselves to be more than simple damsels. You two are stupendous yet no one would have the courage to take you away.~

The Gerudo Guards felt something inside of them that was ignited as one started to blush as the other tried to keep her spear straight.

Meanwhile, Michael was playing on his iPad. He was playing "Regular Show: The Great Prank War".

Michael: Soon, the castle will fall.

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