The Great Yiga Tournament. Champions vs Gladiators

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Peter was inside the military van with the other soldiers. He was sitting outside, hoping for the best. Mipha walked to him and sat next to him.

Mipha: What's on your mind?

Peter: Nothing. I'm just... I'm hoping that they're alright. Y/N, Stacy, Zee, Link...

Mipha: Your friends are strong in spirit. They'll pull through.

Peter: I know. But...I can't help but feel that this is all my fault.

Mipha: What makes you think that?

Peter: My plan to use Stacy as got them both captured and...

Mipha went to place her hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter could feel Mipha's scaly and amphibious palm resting on his shoulder.

Mipha: What happened was Stacy's choice. She chose to do this. It's not your fault. Besides, we're only lucky that she wasn't killed and only Kidnapped. 

Daruk then showed up in front of the two. 

Daruk: Mipha's right, Peter. There are some things we cannot handle, but at least you're not doing it alone. 

Peter's eyes lit up as he looked at them. 

Peter: You're right. We need to find them. We don't know if they were captured already.

Yiga Clan Member #1: They might as well be.

The three looked back to see the three Yiga Clan Members looking at them with evil smiles. 

Peter: I'm sorry. Is anyone talking to you? I don't think so. So shut up.

The two exchanged glares at each other as he turned to face the Champions.

Peter: They're somewhere inside the hideout, but we cannot go inside since these three had the only clothes suitable enough for this. 

Daruk: Well, sometimes we won't need disguises to break into places. 

Daruk then looked up at the sky, making Mipha and Peter look up as well. They saw Revali flying down toward them.

Mipha: What is it, Revali!?

Revali landed in front of them.

Revali: It seems Urbosa's been captured by the Yiga Clan. Along with Y/N, Link, and the others. 

Peter: Oh...That's bad. Are they alright?

Revali: For now, yes. But I don't know for how long.

Mipha: Then let's head over to them. Maybe there's another entrance of some sort. 

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