"Operation Terminator". The Great Gerudo Festival Begins!

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The moon was high in the sky, shining its lunar light down onto Gerudo Town. The lights were out as the entire town was fast asleep, except for the Guards who were patrolling the place, from somewhere in the sandhills. There was an armored van resting with some soldiers inside. 

Soldier #1: So..What do you think is happening in there?

Soldier #2: I don't know. But the Agents inside should be getting some information.

They pressed the button and the screen opened to see the two agents looking at them.

Soldier #1: Were you able to find anything?

Agent #2: Yes. This place only allows females to enter. So we're waiting on the other side of the place in case there is any kind of suspicious activity. 

Agent #1: Infrared scanners are already scanning. If they got a hit, we'll get them.

Soldier #1: Alright then. What about the ones inside? The children.

Agent #2: The children are fine. At the moment. There were no signs of the Yiga Clan trying to attack so far. We'll keep a lookout if they do interfere.

Soldier #2: Alright. If there's anything. Let us know. Over and out. 

They ended the communications and kept observing Gerudo Town.



Two Yiga Clan members sneaked into the town by teleporting in the middle of it. They were planning on doing an assassination mission. They looked around to see the entire village fast asleep. Not a single civilian walked the streets.

Yiga Clan Member #1: So...We're only killing the Princess. Right?

Yiga Clan Member #2: Of course. What do you think? The princess is their final ace in the hole to seal Calamity Ganon away. Kill the princess, and we win.

Yiga Clan Member #1: Alright. Let's do it.

The two headed for the Palace of Gerudo Town and used their hooked swords to climb up. They entered from the opening, using stealth to not make a sound. The Guards from below kept their eyes peeled for any activity. They didn't realize the Yiga clan had sneaked past them from behind.

The two then headed for the stairs. They climbed and moved past Urbosa's bedroom. They looked inside to see her fast asleep in her bed. Luckily, they didn't wake her up.

Urbosa: (ZZZ)

Yiga Clan Member #1: Leave her be. We'll kill her another time.

Yiga Clan Member #2: But she looks so vulnerable! We can just simply kill her now.

Yiga Clan Member #1: We need to think it through. We need to kill them one at a time. We're saving Urbosa for last.

The two left Urbosa alone, planning to kill her later. However, it was like she sensed danger as her eyes opened up, making her aware of the Princess' safety.

Urbosa: Zelda...Stacy...Michael.

Urbosa rushed out of bed and grabbed her shield and Scimitar.

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