Meeting the Secretary. Interrogation begins

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Everyone was in the giant cargo Helicopter sitting side by side. Zelda couldn't stop looking at the sunrise that was coming up. 

Zelda: It's beautiful in the skies. 

Y/N: It sure is.

Zelda turned to look at Y/N and smiled. Y/N smiled right back. Zelda then noticed that Micheal was sleeping on Y/N's lap.

Micheal: (ZZZ)

Zelda: (giggles) I can see that Micheal likes to take naps. A lot of naps. 

Y/N: Oh. It's not entirely him though, Whenever he's tired, he's out like a light.

Stacy: He's always like this.

Zelda: I see. Yet he wants to be a knight.

Y/N: What are you suggesting?

Urbosa: She's suggesting that we train him. And you.

The group all looked at Urbosa.

Stacy: Train? As in train to fight? We're not fighters!

Urbosa: Yet you children managed to help us retake two of the Divine Beasts. If anything, I think you'd make suitable allies in the fight against Ganon.

Y/N: Yeah, but...

Impa went and rested her hand on Y/N's hand making him look at her. He saw her give out a smile. 

Impa: you and your friends have done nothing but help us so far. Let us help you. protect your family and yourselves.

Peter, Y/N, and Stacy exchanged looks at each other and then they all came to a decision.

Peter/Y/N/Stacy: Okay/We're fi--WAIT WHAT!?

Y/N and Stacy looked at Peter with shocked looks on their faces. 

Peter: I know that e think it's not our fight, but it was destined to be our fight. We cannot ignore it anymore. We almost died, guys. And if we get into the field again, we may not be alive to see the outcome. 

Stacy: But...

Y/N: Stace...As much as I hate the idea. It's the only way to keep us safe and alive.

Stacy thought about it and then she gave an approving nod.

Stacy: Okay...I'll allow it. 

Zelda: You won't be disappointed. 

Stacy: HOWEVER...On one condition.

Zelda: What?

Stacy: Only train us. Not Micheal. He's only nine. 

Impa: Some Soldiers from Hyrule, even Link started younger.

The three teens were shocked to hear this. 

Y/N: Your soldiers started training when they were children?

Impa: (laughs) No. I was just kidding. But, if you guys are not around him. He needs to learn what to do when the time comes.

Stacy: Okay, you can train him too, but you're going easy on him.

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