Naboris, Full Speed Ahead! Sliding through the Sandstorm.

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The group was still partying at Gerudo Town, where everyone was celebrating limiting the Yiga Clan's members and retrieving the thunder Helm. Well...Almost everyone was celebrating. 

Michael was busy...being bathed by Mipha.

Michael: Is this necessary? I can wash myself. 

Mipha: Your mother requested that we keep an eye on you. After seeing the Yiga Clan going to the limits of trying to turn you over to their side, I'm not going to let you out of my sight again. 

Michael: Did I...almost get us killed?

Mipha noticed the sadness and doubt in Michael's eyes as she looked at him.

Mipha: No. No. You did not. Why do you ask?

Michael: I...I didn't want to tell Y/N or Stacy about this...but...that wizard...he tried to show me something.

Mipha: What did he show?

Michael then began to shed tears as he remembered the nightmarish illusion.

Michael: (sniffs) My...My grandpa...He...

Michael then began to cry and Mipha felt remorse for him. She allowed him to embrace her as he threw himself into her arms. 

Michael: (sniffling, crying)

Mipha: Shh shh. It's okay.

Michael: I just...I miss him.

Mipha: I know you do. And I'm sorry for your loss. I know the feeling all too well.

Michael: (sniffs) You do?

Mipha: For as long as I can remember, I have been raised by my father, King Dorephan. He's been the king of my people, the Zora, for centuries. 

Michael: I forgot. How old are you?

Mipha: Um...I guess 2700 years old. I suppose you're going to call me an old lady?

Michael: My mom always said to be respectful of others.

Mipha: (giggles) It's good that your mother raised you right. When I grew up with him, I...lost my mother a long time ago. And that pain...made me who I am. She was the queen of the Zora and I barely remember her since it's been so long ago. It's also why Zelda and I get along so well. We both lost our mothers at a young age.

Michael: I'm sorry.

Mipha smiled and cupped her hand on Michael's cheek. Michael looked at Mipha as Mipha looked back. Mipha couldn't help but smile a bit. However, Mipha noticed that Michael was hurt. 

Mipha: You're hurt.

Michael looked and noticed a small spot on his side. Mipha went and used her healing powers to heal him.



Mipha: I was thinking. This reminds me of the time Link and I first met.

Michael: How old was Link when you first met him?

Mipha: (chuckles) He was just a reckless child. Always gets himself hurt at every turn. Every time, I would heal him, just like I am doing for you right now. You remind me of a lot like him and Sidon. Always willing to take risks and be greater. And no matter what, I was always willing to treat the wounds. Even back then.

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