Hour of the Blood Moon. Chaos in Manhattan.

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Impa was back at the Sheikah Tower in the Amazon Rainforest and was blushing. She smiled a bit after hearing Y/N say such a heartwarming compliment. She covered her face with her hands and once she was in the Tower, she could sense Zelda in a shocked look with a huge smile on her face.

Zelda: I saw that.

Impa: You saw nothing.

Zelda: I saw that.

Impa: No, you did not!

Zelda: Impa. Come on, Impa. You know you cannot lie to me.

Impa: I...

Impa turned around to face Zelda, who was smirking at her. Soon, there was silence in the air. Both girls were staring at each other until Impa broke the ice. Her eye twitched in disbelief as she knew that Zelda was right. Her face was as red as a tomato.

Impa: ALRIGHT! Alright, you win!

Zelda: (gasps)

Impa: I don't "like like" him! I like him as a--

Zelda: Friend?

Impa: I...You...What about you and Link? You're very fond of him.

Zelda: We're not talking about us right now, are we?

Impa lowered her head in shame and Zelda walked to her and give her comfort.

Zelda: Hey.

Impa looked up at her best friend.

Zelda: You don't need to tell me. I already know you like him. And I'm happy for you.

Impa: (sighs) It was that obvious?

Zelda nodded.

Zelda: When we first met them behind their house, I knew that they were good-hearted people and you always had a heart for those types. It was why we became best friends in the first place.

Impa: I know.

Zelda: By the way, uhh...Stacy, Mipha, and Urbosa know as well. You might want to confess to them as well.

Impa: (sighs) Fine. Where's the Great Fairy Fountain? Y/N said it would be around here.

Zelda: We should look around to see if it really is there.

The two climbed off the tower and looked around to find the Great Fairy Fountain.

Impa: By the way, where's Link? He should be with us for protection.

Zelda: Stacy talked me out of it and said that I don't always need protection. Said that it lowers my self-esteem.

Impa: Oh.

After a while of searching, they found the Great Fairy Fountain.

Zelda: It's over there.

Impa looked and saw it as well. The two girls then made their way down the tower and were now walking to the fountain.

Impa: I still can't believe that Y/N and the others found it while we were inside Ruta.

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