The Bigger they are, the Harder they Fall (Daruk Short)

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Daruk was in the mountains, working on his training. He used his Boulder Breaker to break certain boulders and using his strength, he was able to crush gigantic boulders into a million pieces. 

Daruk: (grunts)


Daruk: (grunts)


Daruk: (war cry)


He slammed his Boulder Breaker into a rock column, making it shatter like glass. A giant cloud of rock dust covered the surroundings for a few seconds before the vision came into focus again. As he was training he didn't realize that there weren't any Gorons around on Earth, plus he needed a home for himself. So he decided to build one. So putting his training aside for a while, the strongest Goron went to work in doing so.

As he was moving boulders he realized he needed some lava for the boulders to melt in and for him to sculpt together. He realized that he was near an active volcano and had an idea form in his head. He put away his Boulder Breaker weapon and rolled to the volcano that was closest to him.

After what seemed like hours, Daruk finally made it to his destination, he saw the billowing smoke form up from the mouth of the cave. He looked down and saw a tiny red dot at the bottom. That could only mean one thing: Lava. Daruk prepare himself as he jumped off the edge and skydiver into the volcano.

Daruk: (battle cry)

Daruk fell faster and faster as he converted his body into a boulder and kept rolling until he was able to make an impact which cause the volcano to explode.


The Volcano fired out lava from its mouth, Daruk used a boulder to ride the lava as it sent him high into the sky.

Daruk: CHE-HOO!!

He landed on the mountain of his new house. He looked up and saw a chunk of lava falling right next to him. Seeing that it wa enough to use, Daruk grabbed pieces of it and spread them onto certain sides of the rocks, perfecting them into a new sculpture of a home.

After he was finished with his work. He admired the beautiful land he forged into existence. However he saw something strange. He looked out at the volcano he jumped out of and saw some rocks of magma jumping out. He saw them about to fall...

Onto a village living near the volcano! Daruk realized his mistake and rushed to stop it

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Onto a village living near the volcano! Daruk realized his mistake and rushed to stop it. He jumped off the mountain and rolled down as fast as he could to the village. The villagers saw a giant magma rock about to fall on them and then soon killing them in the process. Daruk was able to make it in time and slam into the ground, causing a quake that caused trees and rocks to jump off and break the magma rock piece by piece.


Villagers: (cheering)

Daruk was proud of himself for being able to save a village, but he also saw some of the rocks sliding down the volcano forming a rockslide. They then catapulted off the surface flew over the trees. They were heading for the village once more. The villagers all took shelter inside the trees as they all left the village. Daruk thought of something fast as he headed to the spot of where they would hit and activated his forcefield.

Daruk: (grunts)


Daruk's forcefield destoryed the incoming rocks before they could create any damage to the homes. The villagers all come out of the woods and came back into the village seeing rocks everywhere, but their homes still intact and safe. Daruk took the chance to escape before anyone else could see him leave the scene.

Later on, during the day, Daruk was preparing for his friend's visit to his new house. The other champions, Zelda, anf the teens were amazed by Daruk's effort in making a home for himself. The applauded his creativity and Daruk showed them something to celebrate with him. He gave them...Prime Rock Roast.

Link/Impa/Zelda: (blink) (blink)

Link and Zelda recognized the Goron food and the memory of them eating it...sent chills down their spine. However, Y/N, Peter, and Michael didn't take no for an answer. They both grabbed a piece and admired the fact that it didn't burn them.

Zelda: Y/N, Michael, Peter, wait!


But the two didn't listen as they both took a bite and felt the food to be VERY crunchy. And for some strange reason, they liked it. Peter, Michael, and Y/N went to town on the Rock Roast while everyone looked at them surprise. Stacy looked at Link, Impa, and Zelda for clarification but they were just as confused as they were.

Daruk: (laughs)



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