Think like a Yiga. Save the Girls!

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Zelda and Stacy were sitting inside a locked cage that was big enough for both of them.

Stacy: (sarcastically) Well, this is comfortable. Why didn't they kill us if they know that you're the key to stopping Ganon?

Zelda: I think it's because we're being used as bait. Usually they would kill their targets the moment they see them. It looks like they want to kill the others.

Stacy: Well, we have to do something other than sit here like damsels in distress.

Zelda: I agree.

Stacy looked at Zelda with a stunned look on her face.

Stacy: Wait. Really?

Zelda looked into Stacy's eyes and placed her hand on her chest.

Zelda: When I first came to this world, and when I first met your brother, Michael, he told me of how much knights had to save the princesses from dangerous foes and powerful sorcerers. And to me, I found that...

Stacy: Insulting?

Zelda looked at Stacy and nodded.

Zelda: Our friends don't know that they're talking into a trap. And I refuse to be locked away like a primal beast!

Stacy then gave out a confident smirk.

Stacy: (chuckles) Look at you. Learning to stand up for yourself, eh?

Zelda looked at Stacy and gave a cute smile.

Zelda: (giggles) Well, I did learn from the best.

Learning that the best was herself, Stacy blushed in shyness. She scratched the back of her hair while looking away.

Stacy: (blushes) Uh...Heh...I'm glad you believe that about me.

Zelda: Well, you're the first friend I have made here.

Stacy: Then what do you say we work together to get out of here?

Zelda nodded in response.


The two girls saw the cage doors opening and two Yiga Clan Members entered inside.

Stacy: What do you two pervs want?

Yiga Clan Blademaster #1: You two are to come with us. The Boss wants to meet you.

Stacy: What...What boss?

Zelda: Him...Master Khoga.

Stacy looked at Zelda, surprised.

Stacy: Him?? Isn't he the strongest of them all?

Zelda: Yes. One of the best.

Yiga Clan Blademaster #2: Enough talk. Move.

The two grabbed the girls by the arms and pulled them to the entrance.

Stacy: (grunts) LET ME GO!

The Legend of Zelda: Heroes of Worlds (Breath of the Wild x Male Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now