The Great Fairy Fountain. Here comes Ruta's captor

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The Secretary of Defense and the General have been observing the footage shown from the satellites. 

General: All I just saw were just the lights changing color. Is this supposed to be good or...?

SOD: Looks like it stopped the flooding for now. We don't know when it's going to reawaken again. Additionally, ...

The screen then turned to show Y/N, Peter, Michael, and Stacy with the Champions fighting Ruta.

SOD: Have we managed to get the facial recognition of these children?

A soldier standing next to the General gave them a file. the SOD then opened it to see their names. 

SOD: When was this picture?

Soldier: Intel says it's two years ago, sir.

SOD: Y/N, Stacy, and Michael L/N. What about the other three?

Soldier: We tried searching their names, but surprisingly, we found nothing. No match, sir.

General: Run it again.

Soldier: Sir, we have run the test seven times. They all came as the same result.

The General then looked at the Champions. 

General: What about those three things? There's no way in hell those things exist on Earth.

SOD: Aliens, perhaps?

General: If so, then we need to take our artillery to a whole new level. 

The General then turned to the Soldier. 

General: Tell the scientists that they need to find out where they live. And tell the evacuation team to come home with the civilians in tow.

SOD: What are you going to do?

The General then turned to face the SOD.

General: I'm going to pay the L/Ns a little visit. There must be something that they have kept a secret from us and it's clear that what they did here, they could not have learned this alone. 

The SOD nodded.

SOD: If they are keeping something from the world, being them here. As soon as they're debriefed, call me.

The General nodded and walked away to visit them. The SOD stayed behind to see the Divine Beast.

Stacy and Michael were back at the Sheikah Tower looking at the Divine Beast Vah Ruta from the distance. 

Micheal: Are they going to be okay?

Stacy: Of course, they will. They won't die.


The two then turned to see that Y/N and Peter were sent back to the Sheikah Tower.

Y/N: Looks like we're back.

Peter: Hmph!

Stacy: What happened?

Y/N: Zelda and Impa felt that we would be in the way and that the rest was going to be too dangerous for us to handle. I cannot blame them. Look at us. We cannot fight.

Peter: C'mon! We could handle something if that stuff! (groans) This is so not cool!

Stacy: They're saving your lives here, Peter. I understand that you want to help but they don't want you killed. You should be thanking them for placing you back here.

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