Escape the Military! Yiga Clan Ambush!

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The team was driving down the street with the hopes of avoiding the Military Van.

Zelda: Did we lose them!?

Peter: I hope we did. I never went to prison my entire life! I'm not going there ever!

Y/N: Same here!

Impa: Where are we going?

Y/N: We're going to Grandma's.

Urbosa: Are you sure you know the way?

Y/N: We drove thousands of times. The train station is a few miles ahead.

Micheal: They're back!

Everyone looked back and saw the military van coming toward them at high speed.

Y/N: OH GOD! Peter, drive!

Peter: What the hell do you think I've been doing!?

Zelda thought hard until she had an idea pop into her head. She pulled out the Sheikah Slate and turned on the Magnesis Rune.

Stacy: Ok, what plan do you have now?

Zelda: You will see.

In the military van, The Corporal and the now woke-up General Davis were viewing the car from behind in their van.

Davis: Do you have them?

Corporal: Yes. The drones are locked on.

Davis: Launch them.

The Soldiers activated the drones and they all flew in swarms after the heroes.

Everyone looked back to see the drones following them.

Impa: Are...Are those...Guardian Skywatchers? They look smaller and less powerful.

Y/N: Those are drones. Sometimes playful, sometimes deadly. At this point...

Urbosa: Deadly. Deadly!

Peter: I got this!


One drone charged at the car to sabotage it, but Peter saw it coming. He turned the car to the left and caused the drone to hit a stand, blowing up.


Everyone: AGH!

Everyone saw more drones lining up.

Y/N: There's more!

Peter turned the car left and right to dodge the drones from hitting them.

Stacy/Zelda/Mipha/Micheal: (yelps)


Peter: Just hold on back there!

Stacy: Are they still following us?

Y/N: Yeah!

The Legend of Zelda: Heroes of Worlds (Breath of the Wild x Male Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now