Reclaiming Medoh. Here comes the calvary!

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At the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense was watching the Divine Beasts from the monitors and wanted to see if there was any progress.

SOD: Alpha team, what's the status of the giant lizard?

Alpha: --Evil, sir! It releases probes that detect our presence and every time it does, it launches magma from the volcano!--


Soldiers: AGH!!

SOD: Stay out of the detectors, then! Beta, status on the camel?

Beta: --We can't see anything, sir! There's a goddamn sandstorm! And lightning is coming from that thing!--


SOD: (growls) GODDAMN IT!

The secretary, losing patience, angrily pounded his fist on a desk.

Soldier: Look on the bright side, sir.  At least the elephant one stopped terrorizing people.

SOD: Yes, but who's to say that could be trying to build its strength to attack again? It stopped for now, but it'll come back soon.

General: Mr. Secretary. POTUS joining.

The Secretary turned to face the General and followed him to the phone. He answered it and heard the President.

SOD: Mr. President.

President: What the hell is going on, Mr. Secretary? I'm hearing that giant robots are around the globe, creatures from hell emerging, and the devil flying over Manhatten!

SOD: We have nothing on our side either. However, we managed to get some faces of some people who might know what's going on here.

President: Who?

SOD: Now bear with me on this. We don't know if it's true. But the images I'm sending you are recent sightings from our satellite. 

The secretary set the images and the president observes them from the white house in Washington.

President: What the hell? Are those...children?

SOD: Look closer.

The president then looked and saw the Champions. 

President: What the hell are they!?

SOD: We don't know. We've been trying to find them ever since.

Soldier: SIR!

The Secretary turned to see one of the soldiers. 

Soldiers: We have the sightings!

SOD: Sightings? Of what?

The secretary followed the Soldier as they were showing on the giant monitor a giant dragon flying over Divine Beast Vah Medoh.

Naydra: (roars)

SOD: Is that...A dragon???

Soldier: Not only that, sir.

The Soldier had the people zoom in and the secretary was shocked to see Y/N and the gang flying on the dragon. The secretary then put his voice back on the phone with the president.

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