Taking Medoh back. Military on our Tail!

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The Secretary of Defense was seeing the events of Divine Beast Vah Medoh begin to rise up and he saw the L/N family and the Champions fighting off a demon.

SOD: What the hell is that?

General: Is that some kind of demon?

SOD: Looks that way, yes.

General: How could F/N L/N keep a secret like this from us?

SOD: I don't know. But we need to find out why and fast. Are the jets en route?

General: Took off from one of our Navy ships seven minutes ago.

Soldier: But sir, with all due respect, we cannot send them off to oblivion!

The General and the Secretary looked at the soldier.

General: Who said we're sending them off to oblivion?


Y/N and the others were staring at the behemoth that was floating above them.

Y/N: That...I have no words.

Zelda: No need to say anything. We have to defeat it!

Daruk: Finally. I've been itching for a fight.

Daruk first took charge at Windblight Ganon.

Urbosa: DARUK, NO!

Daruk pulled out his boulder Smasher weapon and went for the swing.

Daruk: (grunts)


However, Windblight blocked the attack. it aimed its large Cannon arm at Daruka and Daruk activated his shield ability.


Daruk: (grunting)

Urbosa: (grunts in frustration) Damn! Link, On me!

Urbosa, Impa, and Link charged, pulling both their swords out and preparing to attack the monster. Impa slid underneath and threw her dagger at it from behind.

Impa: (grunts)


Urbosa and Link went and did a Tag-Team attack as Urbosa lifted Link up in the air with her shield...

Urbosa: (grunts)

...and Link performed a swing of a blade at its face.

Link: (battle cry)


Revali was seeing the fight from the sidelines and remembered his bow and arrows. He grabbed them and prepared to aim.

Revali: Keep it distracted!

M/N and F/N went to keep Zelda and the others safe.

M/N: You guys need to stay here!

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