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Act II ; chapter ten


"What in the actual fuck?" Natlynn repeated, pure shock on her face. "So you're telling me, I'm as powerful as Zeref and Acnologia?! Two of the scariest men alive?!"

"Well, at least you're the only female. Girl power?" Emery tried to joke but earned a glare from the freaking out brunette. "Come on, Nat, I think it's cool!"

"What is cool about being a blood sucking demon!?"

"Um, everything!" Natsu and Happy exclaimed, making the girl snap her neck towards her. "You're literally the strongest person in this room, you and Erza should spare! And then mind control?!" Natsu beamed like a small child.

Natlynn sweatdropped at his excitement but couldn't help but laugh at him and the exceed. "I need to go home. Maybe there's some more information in our old library." She suggests, looking at her father.

Just then, a ginger nurse walked inside claiming to come change Natlynn's IV once again. Natlynn watched as she did her job but an idea sparked through her mind. She gently grabbed the nurse's hand as she looked up at the Jack.

"Actually, I just want to go home and change into my pajamas with my friends for the night." Natlynn pleads softly.

"I'm sorry but the doctor ordered that—"

"Why don't you go convince the doctor that I'm perfectly healthy and to discharge me with no problem?" Natlynn compelled the nurse. They watched as her pupils had grown smaller before turning back to regular size but the nurse looked at Natlynn with a trance in her eye.

She nodded at the Jack, walking out of the room without another peep coming out of her mouth. A few moments later, the doctor came next and announced that the girl could go home without a problem. Natlynn smiled to herself, knowing that her compulsion worked.

"We should be heading back to Magnolia." Erza announced, "Just to let everyone know that we're safe."

"Do we have to?" Happy asks, "I wanna see Natlynn's new magic."

"Yeah, me too!"

"How about we go to the guild and come back tomorrow?" Emery suggested, looping arms with the pyro. "I'm sure Nat wouldn't mind."

Natlynn smiled at the three of them as Natsu returned it with his famous grin. Jax watched the two of them, his scowl still present on his face. Lucy noticed his harsh stare towards Natsu and felt curiosity grow in her chest. She could only put it together that it was because of Natlynn but she didn't realize he liked her that much.

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