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Act VII ; chapter four


After Natlynn's outburst for Natsu's sudden trip to Death City, Jax rode the train back by himself; not wanting to anger the Jack anymore. The only thing on his mind was returning to his wife and son, who were patiently waiting for him at their new home that they moved into a few months ago. It was still in close proximity to Luis' house just so Jax would keep an eye on him.

Luis' illness was growing and spreading throughout his body more quickly than expected, the doctors didn't know how much longer he had and was astonished that he was alive this long. But Jax knew he was a fighter, he would come back from this and be 10x better. Until that time came, Jax swore to take care of him and take the stress off his shoulders until he healed. But, Lucy noticed how much it took a toll on him mentally and physically.

Jax would eat less and less, only taking 30 minutes naps throughout the day before he was right back into work. He had grown grumpy and would snap on anyone who made a simple small error. She was worried for him but he still didn't come to her for her help.


Jax entered his home, walking through the empty foyer into the dining room where his two favorite people were. Lucy sat in the chair while Storm was in high chair in front of her, applesauce smeared around his chubby cheeks as he looked at his mother with joy and waited for the next spoonful. She giggled softly at his excited squeals and fed him the spoon he been waiting on. Jax smiled softly before stepping inside and making his presence known.

Lucy turned around at the sound of footsteps, a bright smile gracing her lips. "You're back. How is everything?" She asked.

Jax made his way over to her, kissing her softly to show how much he missed her. Hearing everything going on with Acelynn made him grateful that his family wasn't as dangerous as the Jacks. Lucy looked up at him with worry lacing her doe eyes, making the brunette chuckle underneath his breath. "Everything's great." He responds, turning his head to his son.

Storm inherited the same big brown eyes as his mother, instantly making whoever looked into them fall in love. He picked up the food covered baby, kissing his cheek softly. Lucy watched them lovingly, her heart sighing with content.

"How's Luis?"

The question lingered in the air as she ultimately started to regret her question. Jax placed Storm back in his chair, his face turned stone, "Same as always. They might have found a few medicine to put him on."

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