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Natlynn had been home in Death City for the past two months, her sole purpose being on the demons residing in her family home. Jasper and Goro had been had a huge help in keeping them enforced with her rules, the three of them growing a small friendship. She had slowly began to grow the trust of the other demons but she knew they still had a long way to go. She was grateful that Goro and Jasper were there when she told the others about the existence of dragons but that only made them trust her more.

She walked inside the courtyard with a warm smile on her face, carrying a box of donuts. "Good morning everyone!" She greeted, sitting the box down on a nearby table.

"You look extremely happy today, princess." Jasper teased as he got closer to the brunette. "What's the sweet treats for?"

She noticed how everyone began to slowly gather around them, listening in on the conversation. "Well, it's been two months since you've moved out here and I'm extremely proud at how all of you have stayed out of trouble. Why not reward you with something nice?"

The demons began to mutter and sent their thanks to the Jack as they began to munch on the donuts presented to them. Jasper looped his arm with Natlynn's before taking her upstairs to Goro's study where he was awaiting them. "Good morning." Goro greeted from his desk, his usual black coffee in his hand.

"Good morning to you as well, Goro." Natlynn greeted back, sitting in her usual chair in front of his desk. "If you don't mind me asking, why are we in here?"

Jasper closed the office door behind him, blocking their conversation out to any wandering demons. "Like you said downstairs, we're slowly progressing and adapting to this new home which we think is time to move on to the next step." Jasper says, walking over to the two of them.

"Going out to the city, to grocery shop or to go to a club. I think the others are mentally prepared for that." Goro adds, leaning back in his chair.

Natlynn sat up at their proposal, crossing her leg over the other. "Well, if you two think they are then I'll believe your word but I think we should let two people go at once and one of you with them in case they attempt to get out of hand. It's not that I don't trust them, it's that I want to be careful."

"Especially that there's dragons out there, who knows if they're in the city or not. We want to be undercover as possible." Jasper speaks up.

𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now