Have You Ever?

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Have you ever felt so scared, you feel your blood freeze?
I have... I couldn't speak; couldn't breathe.. all I wanted to do was scream
Screaming until my throat was raw, my lungs ached and longed for air...

Have you ever been so sad, your tears flow like the ocean?
I have... now it seems I've run out of tears to shed...

Have you ever felt so happy, you just want that moment to last forever?
I have.. but as the saying goes, nothing good lasts forever...

Have you ever felt so angry, your blood burns and boils?
I have... it's a scary thing; to realize just how much hate one can feel...

Have you ever felt so many emotions, you feel numb?
I have... I felt lost, drowning in an ocean of emotions...

Have you ever felt so anxious, that you freeze.. because you don't know what else to do?
I have... I felt so much pain and panic; I couldn't breathe,
Like it was choking, suffocating me.. so I just froze...

Have you ever felt so hollow, you feel your heartbeat echo through your body?
I have.. it felt like I was burning from the inside out...
As though my pulse raged through me like a forest fire...

It hurts, doesn't it? When your heart betrays you...
Makes you feel the things you wanna lock away and forget about?

Yeah... I get it; I've been there too a few times myself...
It's lonely down here in this hole.. don't you think?

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