I Only Hate Myself.

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I don't just hate me.. I fucking loath myself past the deepest level!!

I can't even stand to see my reflection in the mirror...

Just looking at a picture of me makes me sick...

Do you know the worst part about it?? I don't know why!

Kinda funny, huh? That the only I hate is me,

And I don't know or understand why??

All I've done is do the best I can... yet it's not enough.

I wasn't enough for my dad...

I feel like I'm not enough for my mom and brothers.. or my best friends...

The love of my life tells me often that I'm enough...

That I'm beautiful and brave and smart and funny.. that I'm all around perfect...

But I don't see it.. all I see are the broken parts of me...

I only see a monster in the mirror.. a demon in the shadows.. and a fractured shell in the shallow waters...

I don't know how anyone else can see that there's more to me...

How can someone... anyone... see the real me underneath all the damage and debris??

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