Secrets.. and Trust

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Secrets are a dangerous thing...
And no one knows just how dangerous they are...
But I do...
I've seen how much damage just one secret can cause...
A single secret can turn everything upside down...
Make your entire world come crumbling down...

A family secret is like a venomous beast...
It tears you up inside the longer you hold on to it...
It tries to scratch and claw its way out...
Its longing to be free burns your throat from the inside.
And you know that if you tell someone, it'll hurt the ones you love...

But secrets between friends are the most dangerous.. the most lethal...
You know if it gets out, you'd have betrayed your best friend...
The thought of betraying them alone is dangerous...
Every time you open your mouth, you paranoid...
Afraid that it'll slither its way out, destroying your friendship...

Secrets and trust are very fragile things...
Secrets build trust;
And a secret shared with the wrong person breaks it...
If we tell the truth a secret can slip out easily,
So to prevent that.. we lie.
And if we're caught lying, then we have no choice...
We tell the truth, and secrets are spilled.. trust is broken...

Everyone knows or should know...

Once trust is broken, it can never be fixed.

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