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Every time I close my eyes, I can hear it...
With every breath, I can taste it...
And I can feel it with every heartbeat...
No matter what I do, I can't escape it.

What's wrong with me?

Mom, how do I tell you.. that I have a fire burning me?
I can feel it raging like a bloodthirsty demon,
searching.. hunting for its next victim.
I can hear it roaring like it's in pain,
screaming, yelling, begging, pleading for help...
for its life.. for an ending to its endless suffering.

Dad, how do I fix it?? Will it ever go away?
I don't wanna live like this!!

Big Brother, do you understand? Are you the same as me??
Please, guide me through this.. show me the way out!!

Little Brothers... I can only hope that you never know
What it's like to silently suffer from the inside out.

Lover... I'm sorry, but you can't save me from this.
I honestly didn't want you to know that my sins are ripping me apart..
I'm just barely able to sow myself back together,
Only for it to tear me up and burn me piece by piece...
Leaving nothing more than ashes behind...

And though I keep begging and pleading for help,
I know that I'm the only one who can truly save me...

So, to all of those who believe in me, I'm sorry...
I'm sorry that I let you down...

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