Scars From My Shards

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Everything I touch doesn't just crumble and fall,
It disintegrates.. turning to ash and dust.
It withers down.. turning to rust,

So I don't touch anything good, so it doesn't break...
Yet, I blame myself for breaking things, even if I didn't...
And I apologize for everything, even if it's not my fault...

But, you know what?

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I hurt myself...
All the time, with or without a reason...
And it doesn't even need to be a good one...

You wanna know how I do it?
Why I don't leave any scars behind?
It's because I self-harm all the time.. in my mind...

I scream and yell at myself for every little mistake;
I beat and break myself for saying the wrong thing;
I call myself names for overeating, or not eating at all...

I burn and bruise myself oversleep, and no sleep;
I criticize myself over my art, it should be better...
I shame myself for anything and everything I do...

So whatever you do or say to me.. it won't hurt me,
Because I hurt myself worse than anyone else can...
Day or night.. 24/7.. 7 days a week... 365 days a year.

But the thing is... I'm used it.

I'm used to the pain.. used to the tears...
Used to the mental marks.. used to the fear...
I'm used to picking up shards of my shattered soul...

Used to the painful echoes in my hollow shell...
I use the broken parts of me.. that's the reason...
The reason why there are scars only on my heart...

Scars From My Shards

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