Who am I?

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Do you know who I am?
Such a simple question.. with a complicated answer...

I'm the girl that stays up all night...
Some nights, I just can't sleep;
Some nights, all I do is cry;
Some nights, I just talk to the man on the moon;
But most nights, I am fighting with my demons...

I'm the girl that was picked on at school...
They talked about me behind my back,
Sometimes they'd be right next to me as they did...
They would laugh and make jokes about me...

I'm the girl that sits alone in the corner...
Mostly by choice.. to avoid people...
But also because I felt I didn't belong anywhere else
So, I read or write.. but I don't have anyone to share my work with...

I'm the girl that will smile and say I'm fine,
Even though I'm dying inside...
When all I wanna do is scream and cry for help...
Even if I'm on the edge, and I just need one person to help me turn away...

I'm the girl that takes everything I feel...
I take every bit of sadness, anger, loneliness, pain, and all of my dark thoughts...
Put them in a bottle,
Locks the bottle in a safe,
and buries the safe way down deep inside me...

I'm the girl that listens to everyone's problems,
Even though no one listens to mine...
But it's fine... it's fine because I'm a waste of time...
My monsters and demons aren't really important...

What is important is to make sure everyone around me is fine...
And no one is supposed to know,
That I was so close to just letting go...

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