I Know.. I Know..

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I swear I'm fine; if fine is being stuck in my head again
It's darker.. colder.. each time I come back here...
Every time I escape, I feel like I lose a part of myself.
I know I'm broken, but I'm enough.. right?

I know I'm not perfect... I know I get trapped in my mind,
And sometimes I shutdown.. and won't even say why,
Or I don't eat.. won't even say 'I'm hungry,'
I don't tell anyone what or how I feel,
And that I can be difficult at times.. and that I'm damaged...

I promise I'm trying my best.. my hardest.. to be okay;
Even when demons are holding me back, pushing me down,
And trying to make me give up and give in.

I know I'm not okay.. won't tell anyone that I'm hurting...
I refuse to self-harm, and end my life.. but how do I stop it?
How do I end the pain in my chest? Is there even a way?
Is there something.. anything.. to fill this void in my heart?

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