Robot Puppet

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I forgot again..

I forgot that I'm not allowed to eat..
Even though I only eat dinner, if anything at all..

I'm not supposed to be happy..
Even though I know that I earned it.. that I deserve it.

I'm not allowed to feel anything.. I have to be numb
Even though I'm so numb, it hurts..

I'm supposed to be perfect,
Even though "perfect" doesn't exist!!

I'm just supposed to pretend everything is okay..
That I'm fine, when I'm actually dying inside..

I forgot that I'm not supposed to be fucking human!!
I'm a puppet, a robot, a brainwashed zombie..
Some tool to be used, tossed out, and forgotten about!

So go ahead..
Lie to me, steal from me, cheat on me, use me, abuse me, break me, burn me, bruise me, cut me,,
Do whatever you want to me because I don't care..

I don't care about what happens to me anymore..

Congrats everyone, you did it.. you finally did it!
I'm not a person anymore.. I'm not even human..
I'm the numb mindless brainwashed robot puppet you all thought I was!! Are you happy now?

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