My Inner Demons

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I've been arrested by my anxiety,
Drowned by my Depression,
Plagued by my Pain,
Imprisoned by my Insecurities,
Suffocated by my Sorrow,
Fractured by my Fear,
And slaughtered by my Self-Hate.

I feel like this each and every day,
But I bottle it up and lock it away.
I tell myself that "I'll just deal with it another day.."

Well.. days turn into weeks,
Weeks become months,
Then months are now years..
And yet, I still have the same demons locked away

People tell me, "I should talk about it.."
And "have you tried therapy??"
I tried talking about my demons..
But the problem isn't me or my demons,
It's that no one even listens..
So I stay silent.

Then they say that "it isn't healthy to keep it all in.."
And "hey, I'm here to listen."
But I get ignored and overwritten,
And if I do talk about them,
I feel like I'm nothing but a burden..
So, I stay silent in the background..
Unnoticed and forgotten..
Just another afterthought..
But those same demons are still locked away,
And they're slowly drowning me without a sound..

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