I Live for You

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I'm yours.. my heart, body, mind.. all of me.
Every single piece of me longs for you and no one else.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove it..
I'll tell you as many times as it takes until you hear me
And I mean really hear me.. so you can't doubt it.

People in books, movies, or TV shows are like:
"I love you so much that I would kill for you.. everyone who's ever hurt you."

Or maybe they'd say something like:
"I love you so much that I would die for you.. give up my life to save yours."

For me, both of those are true.. if not extreme; damn near crazy.. better yet, clinically insane..

I'd rather live for you.. eat a good healthy meal for you
I'd wake up and go to bed at normal hours..
I'd "fix" myself for you.. emotionally and physically..
I'd lock up all of my "bad/negative/intrusive" thoughts

For you, I'd live the best life I could..
As long as we live it together.

I love you, so I'm willing to kill and die for you; but.. I'd also live a long happy life with you and for you

Which means I love you enough to stop hating myself
I love you enough to know that I'm not worthless..
That I am not weak, a failure, a monster, a bad person.
I am a person, who is deserving of love and affection..
Especially on the "bad" days, when I don't feel it's true

I love you, so I need to try and see myself the same way you see me.. a beautiful, strong, and kind woman.
Who gives way too much of herself to please everyone around her; and who hates herself more when she fails

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