Why do I feel the pain from my past?
Why do you just sit there,
And stare without a care?
Why don't you see?
Can't you see how much you hurt me?Thanks to you all I can see
Are the scars that you gave me.
And thanks to the fear,
The fear that you gave me,
I can't breathe whenever we meet.Why do I still cry at night?
Why do I feel that I should hide,
Hide who I really am on the inside?
I've tried to make things right,
But it feels like no one is on my side!I've tried and tried,
But I still feel like I'm losing my mind!!THIS ISN'T RIGHT!!!
I don't know what you want me to be,
But I'm not your machine!
I am a human being,And I still do have feelings...
At least,
I think I do...
It's hard to tell,
When it feels like there's a demon,
A demon inside of me,
Right where my heart should be.All I hear is it screaming,
Yelling at me!
Everyone says I should ignore it
And follow my dreams,
But with a demon in me,
I can't dream.
I feel like I can't see,
Can't breathe...
I just want to scream,
To scream until I can't anymore!WHY?
Why can't I have one night,
Just one night of peace to dream!
You know what?
I just remembered...
All of my dreams died at age 5.
I remember because,
That's when the darkness took over.
Goodbye, my (not so), dear father.
Sincerely,Your Unloved Daughter
The Hidden Darkness
PoetryI honestly don't know what to put here.. I decided to write a book, and so I wrote these poems. I know that they aren't very good, but at least I tried.. right?? 😅😅😅