The Power of Words

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Don't tell me that words don't have power.. that they don't hurt...
That's just a lie we tell kids to make them hurt less; to dry their tears

People told me that I was bad at singing,
So I stopped...

They said I talked too much at times,
So I tried to not talk at all...

They said I was too fat,
So I started eating less...

They said I was too trusting,
So I stopped trusting everyone...

They said I forgive too easily,
So I stopped forgiving everyone...

They called me names... I believed them,
So I call myself the same... if not worse...

They said I was weird and a freak,
So I stopped being myself...

They said I slept too much,
So I tried to stop sleeping...

They said I cared way too much,
So I stopped caring...

They say that I just ruin everything,
So I tried to fix everything that I broke...
Even if I didn't break anything at all...

They said I was worthless and useless,
So I tried to be useful, so I could be worth something...

They said I was too ugly to exist,
So I started to wish for the end of my existence...

Don't tell me that words don't hurt and have no power,
When words can tear us apart, just as much as they build us up...

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