It's kinda funny really... When someone asks me if I believe...
Believe in the unseen.. in ghosts, spirits, and all things supernatural.My answer is always one of two:
First, is a story that my dad told me.. and that my mom confirmed was true.
A story of a ghost, or spirit of some kind, that saved my life.
And the second is of the time I saw a little boy's face in a mirror.I was there when my brother felt something grab him...
Something unseen.. something unnatural...
But that's not my story to tell...It's kinda sad.. a spirit being trapped, or stuck,
In a single place for all of eternity.. watching the ones they love...
Grow old and pass, but unable to see that person again...I don't know for sure if they're real...
I don't know if what I've said is true...
It's up to you if you believe...
If you want to see what can't be seen...I know I believe.. but do you?
The Hidden Darkness
PoesíaI honestly don't know what to put here.. I decided to write a book, and so I wrote these poems. I know that they aren't very good, but at least I tried.. right?? 😅😅😅