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You are 8 at the time!

Y/N's POV:

I was walking along the seashore, it was a day after mom and dad went to the hoenn region for work purposes so now I was living alone. I was just collecting little shells all over the place and even spotted a love disc or two swimming near a coral reef. I looked up seeing a ride Pokémon, a charizard, carrying milk? Not my problem. I heard something swimming really fast up ahead of me and I looked over seeing the water moving.
"Hello?" I called out
before walking closer to the shore line trying to spot what was there a minute ago,
"Gible!" Hissed something.
I looked over seeing a Gible in the sand just laying down there suntanning
"hello?" I said
The gible just looked over and smiled as I approached it a little more.
"It's a gible!" I said to myself
before petting it on the head and to my surprise the gible was quite docile for a Pokémon that was going to evolve into a garchomp sooner or later
"Hi! Do you want to be my friend?" I asked
"Gible." The gible said happily
"I'll assume that's a yes!" I said.

The gible was quite happy to be around someone that wasn't a Pokémon, it was already getting dark and I had been with the gible for a long time already
"I need to go." I stated
I got up and waved to the gible before walking home. That gible looked like it had been a gible for a long time and one of its scales were sort of discoloured. I entered the house hearing a little growl and I turned my head seeing the gible from earlier.
"You followed me?" I asked
The gible nodded and smiled
"Want me to catch you?" I questioned
"Gible!" Gible said before nodding
I brought gible inside and looked through my poke ball collection, I only had one because of dad's extensive collecting.
"Dad won't mind, right?" I questioned
I grabbed a luxury ball off the shelf not knowing a normal poke ball would do the trick
"Okay. Stay still!" I stated
Gible braced himself before I threw it and before I knew it he was caught
"Join me gible!" I said
I let gible out before hugging him. Gible smiled before hopping onto the couch
"That's where you'll sleep until tomorrow!" I noted as gible smiled.

<•> you turn 9 <•>

I had turned 9 yesterday so mom booked a trip to poni island for me. Poni island was known for lots of stuff like their poni radish's!
"Cmon gabite!" I shouted
Gible had evolved into gabite yesterday after an encounter with a rude nidoking. Gabite ran over as we climbed a mountain because we were curious as to what was on the other side of the mountain range. There was a humongous room that I wanted to check out when we got to where we wanted to go
"This is so cool!" I stated
"Gabite." Gabite said looking around.
I heard a loud roar coming from, a kommo-o!
"Ack!" I said
Gabite stepped between me and the large dragon type totem Pokémon
"Okay. Let's go! Gabite! Use slash!" I called
Gabite used it several times but it didn't do much considering the Pokémon used dragon dance before we attacked
"Gabite! Use Sand tomb!" I shouted
The attack gave enough time for me and Gabite to run off through the corridor. There was some sort of alter through the corridor which was weird but that's not my main priority
"Woahhh." I said.

"Tapu-lele!" Something called in the distance
I heard a miltanks bell ringing along with static and water, weird
"Something there?" I questioned
I jumped when a yellow rooster like Pokémon appeared in front of my face.
"Ah!" I said
Gabite Stood beside me growling when I realized I knew this Pokémon, was Tapu-koko!
"Tapu-koko?" I said
Tapu-koko nodded before I saw several island guardians appear after, Tapu-lele, Tapu-bulu and Tapu-fini!
"Hi!" I greeted
Gabite roared as Tapu-koko seemed to examine me slowly and carefully
"Do you need something, I can just get going." I said backing up
(Time skip)
I finally made it back onto the boat escaping from the island guardians. I had gotten back home when I heard several giggles
"What is with me encountering stuff? Hello? Need something?" I asked
I opened a window and when I turned my back Tapu-koko and the others were literally in front of me.
"Why are you following me?" I questioned
Tapu-Lele grabbed my Safari ball, Dive ball, Ultra ball and Dream ball from my stand
"Those are mine!" I said
Tapu lele touched the circle and caught, themselves?!? I watched intently as the poke ball spun, i caught Tapu lele! I freed Tapu lele before they hugged me a bit, the other guardians were curious about it and one by one I caught them
"Whelp. Welcome to the family?" I said
They were all very excited.

Word count: 854 words

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